
Mental Effects Of Domestic Violence

Decent Essays

Domestic violence often goes deeper than the bruises on its victim’s flesh. The lasting mental effects are usually what rips apart a victim and destroys their entire life. These disorders are very serious problems, and can even lead people to think they have no other way out and as a result they commit suicide. People should be more aware of the mental effects of domestic violence because not enough attention is given to the severity of these mental illnesses. There are many disorders that domestic violence can cause, from as small as mild anxiety and skittishness, to PTSD and severe depression. People with these illnesses and disorders usually act different than they normally would, and are irritable, can’t sleep, worry about small details or events, are constantly in a bad mood, or are abnormally quiet. If you think anyone close to you has a mental disorder, they probably do. Don’t be afraid to talk to your parents about the individual, or their parents. You might even consider telling the person face to face, and expressing your concern to them, because sometimes all a person with a disorder or illness needs to …show more content…

This only makes matters that much worse, and there is not enough being done to represent the severity of these illnesses to the public eye. So people struggle with these problems, but they let it fester and get worse because they think they can’t talk to anyone about it because of the fear of judged based on this mental problem they have. We should be lifting these people up, and helping them, because these people fight their own minds just to get through the day. “I hate this feeling. Like I’m here, but I’m not. Like someone cares, but they don’t. Like I belong somewhere else, anywhere but here.”

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