
Mental Health Act Essay

Decent Essays

The Mental Health act is easily applied and relevant to social workers. In different teams working to achieve purposes of the Act, social workers are often represented as duly authorised officers (DAO) or in the court systems. As points of contact, social workers coordinate the clients care, support and develop goals and look after social and practical needs. When the act has a patient in care, a social worker may help assist the family with welfare, benefits, housing or jobs. Under the Act, a patient may feel out of control and so a social workers purpose is to be an advocate and the first person they confide in. Social Workers also work alongside the Act’s client centered model. This means there is a strong focus on strengths perspectives and self determination. In a mental health case, a social workers …show more content…

Tamati is likely to be eligible for compulsary assessment if the social worker decides to refer him. The Mental Health Act (1992) would likely define Tamati’s depression as an ‘abnormal state of mind’ characterised by a disorder of mood that poses a risk to himself. Tamati is also likely to engage with this act as his depression has been prolonged past his fathers death. It is likely that this tragedy may have triggered an already existing disorder. The act benefits Tamati as he is immediatley protected and referred onto treatment, preventing suicide. When Tamati becomes a patient under the act, the loss of family income will leave his whanau also at risk. A social worker would work together with the whanau providing sources of benefits and welfare while he is in treatment. While the Act is not entirely consistent with bicultural practice, a social worker can practice in a way that respects cultural values. Requesting a cultural advisor could be effective to uphold this. As much as possible, the proffessional should attempt to involve the mother in decision making and knowledge regarding

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