Program evaluations have made contributions to the Mental Health field for many decades. In the past program evaluations have been conducted outside the scope of a traditional Marriage and Family therapy framework. Sprenkle (2003) elaborates that MFT’s have been trying to move towards evidence-based research and evaluations. Trying to find the balance between evidence based and a systematic approach. What is also an area that poses some challenges is counselors and therapists trying to implement programs into existing organizations (Sprenkle, 2003). Program evaluations are able to provide useful information to MFT’s to aid in making improvements (Mertens & Wilson, 2012). Merton & Wilson (2012) explain that evaluations may also interfere
The providers of Pathways Mental Health Services are all licensed professionals such as marriage therapist and family therapist, health counselor, chimerical dependency, and one of them having a PhD in family psychology.
Identification of mental health services that could be utilized as part of Jared’s treatment plan.
People with mental health problems are a growing issue and must be addressed accordingly. When police officers are responding to a 911 call that involves a mentally ill person, the police officers that are responding must be trained on how to de-escalate the situation to protect everyone’s safety. The American Psychological Association (APA) suggests that police departments expand the number of officers with specialty mental health training in their department. (American Psychological Association, 2015). This is where the need for a mental health task force is shown.
In order to determine the specific challenges of disaster mental health (DMH) responders, Hambrick et al conducted an audit. The data was gathered through semi-structured group interviews using open ended questions with nine clinicians at various Community Mental Health Centers (CMHC). All CMHCs had a disaster response team who completed at least six hours of Psychological First Aid (PFA) training. The PFA guide that was consistently reference is a guide used to direct posttraumatic distress caused by a disaster. The interview content consisted of questions about the organization they represented, the needs of the organization, and phone interviews asking about barriers of DMH at the organization they work. The purpose of this experiment
The healthcare policy I chose to write about is Alabama Mental Health. Mental Health is a very concerning issue in healthcare policy especially in the state of Alabama. It is ranked #2 in Alabama’s health concern. To obtain comprehensive data of the status relating to substance abuse mortality and suicide, some of my research will be gathered from the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) and other researched information. The reason I chose this topic, is to gain more knowledge about Mental Health in the state of Alabama. Currently, I work as a Vital Statistics Clerk for the State at a local hospital. I think choosing this topic will give me better insight in learning more about Alabama, and how the state is assisting
Policy analysis of mental health care under the ACA as well as description of how mental health care/service are organized under the ACA from federal to local levels.
Why do you believe you are a good candidate for the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program at Argosy University?
Over 50% of americans studied said that they have been avoiding mental health treatment because of costs[ 2016]. Studies show that the affordable care act was the leading force in health care but now since that has been repealed there is little two no affordable coverage for the mentally disabled and that is a large problem in america. Mental health care is to exclusive to only the people that can afford the expenses. being able to live a full life should not be an expense because everyone deserves to live a full life and people who were covered through the affordable care act are now forced to pay out of pocket until they get new and possibly more expenses lastly people who were insured lots of these people working and if
When it comes to this program I did not find any information that stated it was developed based on empirical evidence. “Very little empirical data exist to help administrators select a particular staffing model for providing mental health services to inmates” (Hills, Siegfried, and Ickowitz, 2004, p. 37). This could have definitely hurt the program at Montford Psychiatric Hospital, but the staff seemed extremely professional, organized, skilled, and knowledgeable of what they were doing when assessing inmates mental health issues. Additionally, this program is also not based on theory because when a theory is created to change complicated issues, such as mental illness program or other health care programs it can be a daunting task. It is particularly troublesome when there is a lack of empirical evidence to support concepts that can lead towards success.
The Greenby Mental Health Center funding has been cut back. The cut back in funding has caused the organization to look at possibly doing away with their consultation and education department. This paper will describe at least one process evaluation measure and at least one outcome evaluation measure that could be suggested for the Consultation and Education Department at Greenby Community Mental Health Center to display the program effectiveness and efficiency. The paper will also explain the scope and purpose of the chosen process evaluation and outcome evaluation measures and how they influence the design.
31 y/o AA male patient seen today for psychiatric-mental health assessment. He is awake, alert and oriented x4. He is calm, cooperative and follows commands during assessment. The patient reports he is depressed, difficulty sleeping and nightmares at night. The patient explained his depression is as a result of deep thinking from a news he received two days ago from his elder brother that his mother is ill. Stressors identified by the patient include losing his job a week ago before the news about his mother; his wife is 6-months pregnant with their first child, who currently works part-time at her present job; patient relates difficulty paying monthly bills and inability to provide adequately for his family as a man. The patient denies mood swings, suicidal/homicidal thoughts and ideation. Patient reports his spouse is at work at the moment and he does not want to put stress on his wife due to her current condition. Patient denies been hospitalized for depression or psychiatric illness; and denies family history of mental illness. Patient reports he is seeking help because he does not like feeling this way using terms of “helpless and loss of worth from his spouse”. Patient reports he needs help with his depression and nightmares before his current condition get out of hands and ruined his marriage.
#3) What are goals of the organization? Describe the client populations that they serve and the issues that they address. Explain your interest in the organization.
Policies have an important role in regulating and shaping the values in a society. The issues related to mental health are not only considered as personal but also affecting the relationships with significant others. The stigma and discrimination faced by people with mental health can be traced to the lack of legislation and protection of rights (Rodriguez del Barrio et al., 2014). The policy makers in mental health have a challenging task to protect the rights of individuals as well as the public (Swigger & Heinmiller, 2014). Therefore, it is essential to analyse the current mental health policies. In Canada, provinces adopt their own Mental Health Acts (MHA) to implement mental health services. As of January 15, 2016, there are 13 mental health acts in Canada (Gray, Hastings, Love, & O’Reilly, 2016). The key elements, despite the differences in laws, are “(1) involuntary admission criteria, (2) the right to refuse treatment, and (3) who has the authority to authorize treatment” (Browne, 2010). The current act in Ontario is Mental Health Act, 1990.
When I first started my college journey I initially majored in Biology. Not knowing what I wanted to do, I was influenced by my advisor to enter the biology field. After my third year, I decided not to pursue biology anymore, and that’s when I discovered my passion for the Psychology field. After receiving my undergrad in psychology, I knew that I wanted to get my masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, but I had no idea of how broad this area is. This week assignment granted me the opportunity to interview someone who has been in this profession for 25 plus years who has worked in all sectors when it comes to mental health counseling. It allowed me to learn the pros and cons of this field and it even gave me more insight and clarity on exactly what I wanted to do. I found this week assignment to be very informative and I believe it is necessary for anyone that’s interesting in entering in this field. I am grateful for the knowledge and advice that I received during this week assignment.
The healing hands health rights campaign is an initiative by ANTaR which was launched in February 2004. The campaign itself is an effective way of promoting health as a fundamental human right issue, raising awareness of political will and promoting the need for a change in policy so that resources are allocated on the basis of indigenous health. The development of the campaign and the various tactics employed have enabled the issues of indigenous health rights to come to light as a serious matter amongst the general public, political parties, organisations, media etc. The campaign and the information kits readily available are a practical way of promoting the