
Mental Health Sector Essay

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1. Abstract: The objective of this report is to give an understanding on who the stakeholders are within the mental health sector and how current social Trends and future Development will affect the Mental Health sector; this will include an ageing population, Children accessing mental health services and lastly, staff leaving the mental health sector within the NHS. 1.1Introduction: As late as the 1930s society’s understanding of people suffering from mental health issues is that they were dangerous and lived immoral lives and did not deserve to live in the community with the general population thus they were forced to live in workhouses or asylums. When Sir William Berveridge a highly regarded economist published his report on the 'Social Insurance and Allied Services' in 1942 which stated that a national welfare system would fight against the five 'Giant Evils' of 'Want, Disease, Ignorance, Squalor and Idleness’, the resulting action of this report was the birth of the NHS, no longer was treatment determined by the wealth or class of a person and the mental health sector was incorporated in the NHS. Within the sector there are three …show more content…

This has also been met by “growing numbers presenting with increasingly complex and severe problems” (British Broadcasting Corporation, 2017). This trend is now being introduced into the Mental Health Sector due to the rise of social media and cyber-bullying (relating to depression and anxiety) (National Elf Service, 2014) the rise in children suffering from anorexia and bulimia due to unrealistic body expectations and weight-related bullying, and increased stress amongst children related to exams, family, friends, and so on. This has meant that more children are now accessing mental health services in order to treat such mental health issues, see appendices 3 for further

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