
Mental Illness In Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper

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The Yellow Wallpaper is a short story written by Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Gilman. The story line takes place during the nineteenth century. It comprises of a young woman who suffers from a mental illness. She becomes trapped in a room and inside her mind. One of the ways she tries to escape is through writing her thoughts and experiences. Jane becomes obsessed and consumed by the unusual pattern and color of the wallpaper covering the walls of the room she is forced to stay in. The story begins with Mrs. Jane moving into a colonial mansion with her husband John for a few months. Her husband is a physician and she is a simple house wife. Together the two have a young child that is being taken care of by someone else until Jane’s health returns. She senses something strange about the house but her husband laughs and ignores her. He is a practical, factual, and only believes in what the eye can see type of man. Apparently John, neither Jane’s brother really believe that she is sick. John and Jane’s brother are physicians of high esteem. They believe she is just under nervous depression and all she needs is rest and a little …show more content…

"Don't go walking about like that—you'll get cold."” During the day he was away on doctor visits and when he would return, he slept through the night. I can understand how he could’ve missed some signs. Jane is alone a lot, isolating her from society, “I cry at nothing, and cry most of the time. Of course I don't when John is here, or anybody else, but when I am alone. And I am alone a good deal just now. John is kept in town very often by serious cases, and Jennie is good and lets me alone when I want her to” (156-157). When left alone that often for long periods of time, it is normal for people to put their imagination into play. But, hers mind was in a different state of

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