
Mental Illness In Stranger Things

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Stranger Things begins with a character named Will that is missing. With his disappearance his mom, Joyce, starts an investigation with the local police department and of course Will’s three best friends try to figure out the case on their own. While investigating and searching for Will the investigation group unveils a secret government program and the supernatural things/people that come with the program. This show is definitely a Sci-Fi but adds a twist of drama and horror to it to keep the audience hooked. One of the purposes that this show has in society is raising awareness to mental illness. Not only does Stranger Things raise awareness of it but gives an insight to what it can feel like to have a mental illness. In the Registered …show more content…

Roger Scruton states all of this in his article, “Mental Illness”, from the Journal of Medical Ethics.” Scruton gives multiple examples of what is considered a mental illness really could be a physical illness, and visa versa. “For the only way of fully describing its horror is in terms of that loss of intention and judgement to which I referred. In extreme cases, their loss may amount to the disappearance of the 'self,’” (Scruton 38). In this quote, scruton is explaining how there is a physical treatment for a mental disease. As Scruton is saying, in a rather extreme case, the mental disease has taken over the person and they are now viewed as an object. Therefore, the patient really isn’t able to give consent to any of the treatments, but that it can only be inferred. This relates to the show Stranger Things when Will is saved from the Upside Down. When Will gets the flashbacks or hallucinations he can’t seem to break out of the hold that the forces have on him. He is only able to break from them when the forces let him. Will, at that point, has lost the sense of himself and could be treated like an …show more content…

Even with the show being fictional, it gives plenty of examples that relate to the ‘real world’. One of those topics is mental illness and how serious it can be. This is depicted through the character Will, through a force that seems to have complete control over him.
Works Cited
Duffer, Ross, and Matt Duffer. “Will the Wise.” Stranger Things, season Two, episode Three, Netflix, 27 Oct. 2017.
Farb, Daniel. “‘Stranger Things’ as an Analogy for the Effects of Mental Illness on Family, Friends, and Society.” Daniel Farb, Daniel Farb, 3 Dec. 2017,
Scruton, Roger. “Mental Illness.” JSTOR, Mar. 1981,

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