
Mental Illness Persuasive Speech Outline

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Outline for Persuasive Speech Mental Illness in the College Campus Introduction 1) Quote: Stigma is shame. Shame causes silence. Silence hurts us all. 2) Thesis: Mental Illness in colleges needs to be addressed because of the rise in college students being diagnosed in mental health problems. 3) Reconnect with Audience: What do you think is the numbers of people in America have a mental illness? According to the US Nation Library of Medicine and National Institutes found that 1 in 4 adults have a mental illness. 4) PREVIEW: I will begin by stating what the problem is and why it is concerning. Next, I will explain what is going on currently to address the problem and why what is currently being done it isn’t working. Then, I will …show more content…

III. Minority students are being affected the most in campus A. Mental Illness in Minorities 1. Forty percent of students who are minorities are not asking for help. 2. Before the main problems for college students were homesickness and relationships. Now the majority of students struggle with depression, anxiety, and self-harm. 3. Students of color have their experiences at school belittled. “When students look to counseling, they are often told their racialized experiences are in their head -- that the college or university is color blind.” Dr. Ebony McGee, assistant professor of diversity and urban schooling at Vanderbilt's Peabody College of Education and Human Development IV. Stigma about mental illness in the media and news is preventing people from seeking help. A. Stigma in media and news 1. People perceive mentally ill people as dangerous 2. BMC Psychiatry found that “Students desire social distance from others with mental disorders” 3. Students in the study also stated “believe that people with mental illness are unpredictable, dangerous, and incurable” Story Example V. Ending stigma and additional support can help students suffering A. Supporting mental health students 1. Thirteen percent increase

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