
Mental Imagery Portrayal In Sports Development

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In sports, mental imagery is used primarily to help the athlete get the best out of him / her training and in competition. To help an anthlete compete better by bringing best out of him. The developing athlete who makes the fastest progress and those who ultimately become their best make extensive use of mental imagery rehearsal. They use it daily as a means of directing what will happen in training and as a way of pre experiencing their best competition performances. Orlick (1990) explained that mental imagery often starts out simply, as you think through your goals, your moves, and your desired competitive performances. With practice it will develop to the point where, through imagery, you can draw on all of your senses to pre experience the …show more content…

Researchers are extending the knowledge of imagery use to understanding exactly how and why athletes use imagery. Besides engaging in cognitive mental practice to enhance athletic skills, imagery has been used by athletes for other motivational reasons, Palvio, (2005). From a sample of 40 elite gymnasts, 92% reported using imagery to practice skills and strategies, to recall and control emotions, to improve concentration, and to set goals, (Smith 2007). Many athletes find it helpful to imagine and feel them performing perfectly immediately before competitive performances. High jumpers feel their ideal jumps, divers their perfect dives, skiers their best runs, gymnasts their perfect routines, archers follow their arrows to the centre of the target. Team sport athletes run through key offensive moves, quick transitions, and tough defensive moves. This process calls up the feeling of a best performance and focuses full attention on the task at hand. It serves as a last-minute reminder of the focus or feeling you need to follow in the game. It takes your mind off thoughts of worry or self-doubt,

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