In the 2007 film, Lars and The Real Girl, the protagonist, Lars, is a very emotionally challenged man. Lars is seen throughout the film showing very obvious traits of mental issues (such as traits of personality disorders and maybe even a bit of schizophrenia), delusions, and a very troubled childhood. These things make his daily life a struggle for himself and the others around him, but they all try their best to satisfy his needs because of the love they have for him. Let’s discuss these topics a bit further. Lars seems to suffer from multiple mental issues throughout the film. At first, he is very distant and shy. He refuses to speak to people or participate in almost any social interaction. Even when his own brother and his sister-in-law invited him for dinner, he’d refuse and stay in the garage of their home alone. Then, one day, he suddenly came to their door and asked to have dinner with them. This time, he seemed excitable and happy. He stated he had gotten a girlfriend, for which his brother and sister-in-law seemed overjoyed. But, it turned out his so-called girlfriend was actually a life size doll. It seemed that Lars was having delusions, believing the plastic doll was a real girl. After some time, it also appears that he is using …show more content…
As expressed before, Lars’s mother passed away when he was just a baby, leaving him and his brother, Gus, alone with their father. He never knew his father well, presumably not having a very strong relationship with him, as Lars didn’t even know his profession. When he and his brother grew older, without warning, his brother ran away from home. He left Lars alone with his father, being the second person in his family to leave him. Although, Gus did come back for him and eventually apologized for what he did. Still, Lars was greatly affected by his childhood and a lot of his delusions and mental issues are products of
Lars Eighner changed in seconds to begin searching in dumpsters to survive. For example in the essay Lars says " dumpster diving is outdoor work, often surprisingly pleasant” (pg 243) meaning that even though it's not the most comfortable thing to do he finds joy and is happy doing it . Another example set in the essay was " I am very pleased when I can turn up exactly the thing I most wanted to find”(pg 243) keep diving & looking something valuable so he take or sometimes some left over food so he could feed himself. But overall
For example, he will steal only to impress people. The huge problem with that was that once he started he couldn’t stop. Through this, he would cause the people who he robbed to feel enraged, confused and betrayed. One of the people who was robbed took out a shotgun and sat on his porch waiting for someone to try again. Another example of Erik’s insecurity includes laughing at death, because he would never reveal his true feelings for fear of being perceived as weak. When Erik saw a great football player who was struck by lightning all he did was laugh, while his brother Paul wept for this person that he barely even
During their first therapy session, Bob listed out his problems. These issues ranged from turrets to cardiac arrest and were summed up with Bob’s mindset that “If I fake it, then I don’t have it” (Bob, What About Bob?). Afterwards, Dr. Marvin diagnosis Bob with acute separation anxiety and a multiphobic personality. This diagnosis is accurate and Bob’s behaviors show it; he feels like he has to see his therapist every day, he is scared to leave his apartment, or to be in a crowded room.
He was used to live in his brother’s shadow, but when the boat accident happened to them, he was the only one to survive. As he was always indentifying himself the less important one, he considered it was wrong that he was the one who would still have a life. As a result of nervous breakdown, he tried to kill himself with cutting his wrists in the bathroom, fortunately his father found out and save him. Then he went to the psychiatric for four months. When he comes back, there are still issues he needs to deal with.
He learns the social patterns of humans but his constant rejection from human contact and how frightened people were of him makes him
Film portrayals of the mentally ill, have contributed to the stigma faced by people with these conditions. Films tend to create and reinforce the same certain stereotypes of the mentally ill. The film Silver Linings Playbook, is a refreshing departure from from this pattern. Exaggerated cinematic portrayals have largely bypassed mental illnesses , such as; Bipolar disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Depression, etc. This film Silver LInings PLaybook, accurately depicts these common disorders among several characters in this film. The three main characters that blatantly show this depiction, are; Pat, Tiffany, and Pat’s best friend Danny Mcdaniels.
he is estranged from himself. To help expand on this theme it is useful to look
As a result from having Bianca and the support from his family and friends, Lars is able to fully grow into a mature adult man. The gap between illusion and reality has been bridged, as Lars realizes his true wants and needs after he creates and ultimately destroys Bianca. Lars is now able to have intimate moments with people and be able to touch them without feeling pain. This is most evident in the bowling scene with Margo. Margo invites him to go bowling with her, and Lars comments that Bianca is unable to come because of a meeting. Usually, Lars would reject any social gathering, especially without the accompaniment of Bianca, though this time he accepts. Lars becomes a participant rather than just an observer. He realizes that he enjoyed his time with Margo, however he tells her that he could never cheat on Bianca. Lars is still holding on to Bianca’s existence, but he feels that he may be ready to let go and have a relationship with someone real. This scene is also where Lars allows himself to shed one of his layers and shake Margo’s hand — a huge leap in his development. There is, however, a false thaw when it begins to snow again, symbolizing that Lars is still not fully out of his shell, as long as Bianca exists. This shows the main conflict between illusion and reality that Lars must be able to reconcile. In order to have a relationship with someone real, he must let go of Bianca. The reading in the church in the next scene is significant in Lars’s development. The reading says, “When I was a child, I spoke as a
He really had such a bad time while recovering from autism. By the end of the day, he recovered from this illness and became cured. His family was composed of four members including himself, his brother, and his parents. He describes American culture as weird and different from what the one that his parents and ancestors embrace. When his family came to America, his mother was struggling, and she was having a difficult time in getting employed. However, his father did not have that difficulty because he already had the skills needed for starting a new business in the new land. Now, he is a college student, majoring in biology, and he is hoping of becoming a zoologist. He has a part-time job by working as a cashier in a supermarket. Recently, his mother had quit her job, and she wanted from him to compensate for this by having two jobs and be a college student at the same time. He likes to associate with a lot of people whether at the job, school, or anywhere. This is because he thinks that he is lovely, friendly, and someone who is willing to make friendships that could last
In the film K-Pax, a a middle age man, claiming to be 337 earth years old, is brought into psychiatric institute after he causes a disturbance at a train station. Prott, the patient, experiences a delusion where he believes that he is from the extraterrestrial planet K-Pax and he will return back on July 27, taking one person with him. Prott is delusional, but very intelligent which makes many patients believe his stories, and the doctors question him even more. He shares unknown knowledge surrounding a star system that had never been figured out before. Throughout his time at the mental institute he gives tasks to another patient, each task is proven to be true and works. His psychiatrist Dr. Powell uncovers that Protts true name is Robert Porter, after looking
He is different because he doesn't talk with people, he's all alone unless he's with someone who works fo him.
The film Girl, Interrupted focused on an eighteen year old girl by the name Susanna that was admitted into a private mental hospital after being accused of a suicidal attempt. The movie follows Susanna on her journey in the institution as she encounters women with different admittance stories. The one who intrigues Susanna the most is Lisa. Lisa is thought to be a sociopath with the way she manipulates those around her to get her way. She is constantly in and out of the institution causing those around to fear, yet admire her. My main focus will be on Lisa and although it was not specified in the film just how old she is, she seemed to be around the same age group as Susanna. This means that, according to Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages, she is on stage five or six. Stage five happens during adolescence where ones primary task is their identity versus their own role in society whereas stage six happens in young adulthood and one faces intimacy versus isolation. The article incorporated gives more insight on how Erikson’s stages play hand in hand with one another and can potentially affect the mental state of someone if not successfully fulfilled. There is also a possibility that, with the ‘symptoms’ of a sociopath, Lisa could have had past problems during what Sigmund Freud considered the anal stage of her childhood.
His father was moody and very irritable and wasn’t a strong figure in the household
In the film Lars and the real girl by Craig Gillespie, an important character developed is Lars. Lars lives in a tight knit community based in a small American town. Lars has a fear of human contact which results in him suffering form a delusional disorder where he falls I love with, Bianca, a life sized ‘real’ doll. Through his relationship with Bianca he is provided with unconditional love and lack of criticism he desires. This inurn helps him gain confidence he requires to engage in his community and begin to relate to those around him. Gillespie shows the development Lars undergoes through the techniques setting, costume and dialogue.
This paper will provide information on the volcanoes of Hawaii, where it is known to be the home of one of the world’s largest volcanic islands, merely second to Iceland. It is not just the beautiful landscapes and wildlife that spark the interest to this particular area, but the uniqueness of the Hawaiian volcanoes and islands themselves are what make the area so significant. There will be information spanning from the history of the origin of the islands to how Hawaii must adjust to the volcanic hazards in order to keep the area livable. With these ideas in mind, I will first address background information on the area and set the scene as to what makes this area so special. Then I will transition to the history of how the