
Mental Training Research Paper

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Training is important in anything you do and dueling is no exception. It allows you to prepare not just physically, but mentally as well. Mental training us used to help show you what to expect when participating in a duel. It is important to stay calm when dueling, mental training will help you do this. Panicking is an easy way to get yourself injured, or killed. During mental training we learned how to concentrate and focus. If you are not focused you may not be able to dodge or properly counter the charm. You also need to remember to be aware of your surroundings at all times. The first exercise you wanted us to do was pull our chairs away from our desks and sit still for ten minutes. Most people thought it was easy, I was absolutely dreading trying this. I thought to myself that there is no way I would be able to do this. I am constantly tapping my feet or bouncing my leg up and down when I am sitting. When sharing tables with someone they always complain that I am shaking it. I only lasted a minute or two before fidgeting and having to start over. Same thing happened the second time. And the third. If I cannot focus here, how am I going to focus during a duel? The fourth time I lasted around five minutes, at least there is some sort of improvement. Seven minutes the fifth time. I finally was able to do it after ten times. I felt mentally exhausted after this. This is something that I am going to need to keep practicing. …show more content…

I'm once again nervous about this exercise because I have contacts in and it is hard for me to focus on one thing for a long time without my contacts getting dried out and hurting my eyes. This was a little easier than I thought though, it only took me three times before I could get the two minutes without shifting my attention from the

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