
Mentality In 1984

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“Until they become conscious, they will never rebel” -George Orwell 1984. People can quite easily fall under the spell of others, in fiction, as well as real life. People in the world depicted in the fictional world of 1984 as well as in Pakistan shown in I am Malala. Winston from 1984 was faced with a decision, to fit the mold that The Party provided and to conform to their standards, or go against The Party and risk getting caught by the thought police, who monitor people’s thoughts. Even writing a diary risks getting put into a labor camp, or death. People in the real world face these types of issues as well. Malala, from I am Malala, lives in the SWAT Valley, which was being controlled by the Taliban Regime, while many of her rights had …show more content…

There’s a decent chance that you will join in as well, even if you don’t like the band playing. In the world of psychology, this is called mob mentality. Mob mentality is that if a large number of people are doing an action together, you will most likely join in. The government featured in 1984 know this, and have imposed a 2 minute long Hate everyday and a week of Hate. The hate consists of a video depicting Oceania's enemies, the eurasians and the eastasians. This Hate uses the weakness of mob mentality that most humans fall to. “Before the Hate had proceeded for thirty seconds, uncontrollable exclamations of rage were breaking out from half the people in the room,” The people in the audience are depicted as yelling and screaming at the images of their enemies, and cheering and chanting at the face of big brother, as shown in the quote just stated. This quote is showing how after a mere 30 seconds of having the enemy depicted, half of the nearly full room are yelling obscenities at the film. This quote proves how the government of 1984 knows that mob mentality is effective in getting the citizens to conform. In the quote “In the second minute the Hate rose to a frenzy.” it is showing how the mob mentality has taken full effect on the crowd. The quiet woman that was sitting behind Winston was now yelling, screaming and reaching towards the

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