
Mentor Fire Incident Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

The Mentor Fire Department has not been able to meet the goals of annual pre-fire planning. By not meeting these goals we could be placing firefighters at risk because they may not have the information necessary to safely, efficiently and effectively handle the fire emergency presented. The issues seem to affect each emergency incident differently. If the incident commander had knowledge of the building and how to use the preplan information that might be available, the situation was handled safely, efficiently and effectively. If the incident commander lacked knowledge of the building, and did not know how to acquire any preplan information, the incident was handled, but might not have been handled as safely, efficiently and effectively as possible. …show more content…

A literature review was conducted on the subjects of time management, staffing, and hour allocation for the environmental factors. The same review was conducted on the attitudinal factors of firefighters related to preplanning. The National Fire Protection standard 1620 Standard for Pre-Incident Planning (NFPA 2015) was reviewed along with reviews of past research papers and emails to fire departments to see what procedures have been used

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