
Mercury: The Creation Of The Caloris Basin

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The surface of Mercury

The most notable thing about the surface of Mercury are the many craters. Since the planet has a very thin atmosphere, clashes with comets and asteroids caused a lot of damage. Some craters are formed billion years ago, others are younger. These craters can be very deep, and their size ranges from a single meters to multiple kilometres. The Caloris Basin, the largest crater of Mercury, has a diameter of no less than 1,500 kilometres. A terrain of hills and mountains on the other side of the planet is believed to be caused by a shock wave generated by the impact the creation of the Caloris Basin had. Another feature of the planet are the “ghost craters”. These are former craters that are filled with volcanic material from volcanos that exploded a few billion years ago. The outline is still marked by ridges that form circles. One can also find highlands, mountains, plains and valleys on Mercury.

The climate on Venus …show more content…

The average surface temperature is 500 degrees Celsius. An important reason for this high temperature are the clouds on the planet. From a distance they look similar to the clouds on Earth, but instead of water the clouds on Venus are made up of carbon dioxide. By absorbing infra-red light this greenhouse gas keeps the planet hot. Since Venus is also tilted with 23,4 degrees (Earth only with 2,7 degrees), seasons don’t exist at Venus. Everywhere at every time of the year the planet has almost the same high temperature. It is believed that Venus once had a climate like Earth, but it is still unknown how and why the greenhouse effect took

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