
Mere Christianity Chapter 1 Summary

Decent Essays

This month we were assigned to read the last book of Mere Christianity. Chapter one talks about God’s relation to us as followers of Christ. Chapter two discusses the Trinity, and how even though there are three parts he is a personal God. Chapter three addressed God with time. God is not in the past or future, but he is in the present. Chapter four sets up the chapter with an image of two books stacked on each other. These books are a symbol of God as a father and as a son, and along with this he discusses God’s love for us. Chapter five addresses how God breathes life into us, because before we were lifeless. Chapter six brings attention to what is discussed in chapter five, but it also talks about God in relation to the human race as a whole. …show more content…

I found this section of reading repetitive. In this portion of the reading C.S Lewis is wrapping up the loose ends of his discussion on Christianity. Even though I struggled a bit to get through this reading I still pulled out some interesting points from the reading. One chapter of the book that I enjoyed is chapter eight. Chapter eight discusses if Christianity is hard or easy. I found this chapter to appeal to me most because it is something I am very passionate about. During all three of my group’s meetings I have discussed how throughout the book C.S Lewis made it a point to recognize that Christianity is not a walk in the park. C. S Lewis says in chapter 8, “The Christian way is different: harder, and easier. Christ says ‘Give me All. I don’t want so much of your time and so much of your money and so much of your work: I want you” (pg. 196). I think this quote sums up Christianity because it is not about if your walk with the Lord is easy or hard because everyone’s faith is different. At the end of the day the Lord wants all of you and it is as simple as that. Along with this C.S Lewis tied in a lot of imagery throughout the chapters of this book. He brings imagery with the books, the to soldiers, and by referencing the story of Beauty and the Beast.BY using this imagery C.S Lewis was able to captivate the reader’s attention. All in all, this book had moments where it would drag, but then Lewis would say something to draw in the

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