
Merleau-Ponty on Perception

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Merleau-Ponty on Perception In “The world of perception” by Merleau-Ponty, he disagrees with both Weber and Descartes’ conception and perception of the world. The book itself largely focuses on Descartes by giving a critique of him through the notion of one self, notion of perception and sensation. Merleau- Ponty gives a critic of Descartes throughout the book; Weber is mentioned in the book, but not extensively like Descartes. The author's argue throughout the lectures by the means of a critique of what he refers to as 'classical world', which is the fundamental attitude underlying one’s experience and actions as well as a purely natural- scientific and philosophical enlightenment, especially as it is referred to by Descartes. Throughout the book Merleau-Ponty reminds the readers to rediscover the human experience in different perspectives. For Weber, he believes that natural –sciences are the only avenue to the truth, so the natural sciences can only be explained by means of causes. With Weber in mind, Merleau-Ponty reflects, “whether science does, or ever could, present us with a picture of the world.” He adds that, “there could no longer be any meaningful questions outside this picture.” Thus, Merleau-Ponty’s method is description of a purely natural-scientific account of sensation and explanation of parodies. One of the natural- scientific accounts of sensations is the sense of visual sensation; Descartes thinks that he is explaining visual

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