“Follow me and stay close. We’re taking a shortcut.” Merlin explained. Twigs and dead leaves from the previous seasons from many years ago, crunched and snapped under the horse’s hooves. Amelia and Alli looked at the newly revived earth in wonder, for once the trees were no longer barren, the muddied earth had once again grown lush green grass. The air smelled fresher and for the first time in decades people could finally see the sun, it was no longer blocked by a thick everlasting blanket of grey smog, and people could once again grow crops and live as they once did before the horrible incident. And for the young who hadn’t ever seen green on trees or couldn’t remember if they had, could finally look outside their window and see what the world was like before.
As the group went down the same beaten up path, Merlin took a left and the rest followed. The trees, as amazing as they are seemed to be getting denser. The group of four found themselves in front of a large cave opening. It was so dark and large that it looked as if it would swallow everything in it’s path. Merlin said that it was safer than it looked and that it would take them wherever they needed to be. Taking a leap of faith in someone whom you had met only meer hours ago is a more difficult task than one would think. Amelia and Alli gave a final glance to each other before swallowing
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Her mother started crying and father had tears in his eyes. They were all smiling, then Alli’s nephew’s came running into her arms. They were all laughing and smiling as tears of joy ran down each of their faces. Alli looked back and smiled, Amelia returned the gesture with a smile of her own and waved. She began walking back to her own house, when she noticed something, the sun was still setting. It was late noon just as it had been in the forest. But she had a more important question. “Back their. With the sword thing. How did I? It was a
“It’s okay I can handle a little wind Cam…” Suddenly the branch gave and the little girl was discarded from the tree. There was a shriek, then an abrupt crack; all was hush except for the whistling of the wind and a drop of water falling into the pond below the oak. Cameron dashed in the direction of the fall but there was no one to be seen. All that was left was the tribal arrow bracelet he had woven her last year for her ninth birthday.
The night’s sky was a foreboding glow, displaying the remnants of the chaos that proceeded on that very night. The air was calm and still, leaving no trace of the strong, mighty wind that had once seized it. Seeker Gawin and Annabelle emerge from the Great Fall forest, heading in the direction of the marketplace of the Masonburge Village with a bewildered first commander, who was heading back to the castle, passing them with his men riding a few feet behind. The people of the village have gathered in a somber mood, watching the last of the king’s men carry away bodies on one of their horses.
Amelia's right foot always took the first step, followed by her left. Trees towering over her, a cold breeze blowing through the tree foliage, a gloomy fog sounding her. A defining screech is heard through the relatively soundless forest, Amelia catches a glimpse of bird with feathers black as the darkest night. It glides for branch to branch gradually getting closer. Until it goes in for the final swoop, when it is but a few mere metres away from Amelia, her eyes jolt open and the homily atmosphere of her bedroom fills her senses. It was just a dream, like every night, alas Amelia still couldn't figure out what it meant, but it had to mean something, right?
I just led us in a straight line,” Ben adamantly tried to explain. Then, a cacophony of twigs breaking and bushes rustling started in the distance ahead of them. The relaxed ambiance dropped suddenly. They stood there frozen from fear as the sounds began to move nearer and louder. Then all at once, they began running in the opposite direction they had been walking in, and went straight back to the bonfire to seek the comfort and protection of their family. When they got there, they saw no trace of their brothers or sisters. Each of their minds raced, just pleading for an answer to what had happened to the people they had depended on. Each of them came up with an idea of their
The purpose of this essay is to investigate future pricing policy for Merlin for the tower. A brief review of Merlin’s management of the Blackpool Tower will be highlighted, and then using economic tools of analysis, it will clarify the concept of pricing discrimination and how companies use prices to attract certain kinds of customer. Followed by, the use of price and attendance data from other attractions, such as Camelot and Alton Towers to support the argument. Finally the essay will come to a conclusion.
The indication of morning had approached; wind halted while the air became temperate. Morning routine of the birds, fetching food for their children, communicating with the others, hatching their eggs. Newly seeded grass shooted out, growing like weeds. The air reminded Mary of a camping trip when she was younger in Yosemite Park. Pinecones and trees gave her the happy memories, ones of her husband and her only child before the accident.
Then in the Colorado woods Admas and his dog Merlin saw this two cute, furry, puffy and unknow animals. The two animals is like a dog with a cat combie. Then the two unknown animals followed Admas and Merlin. Then later the two unknown animals went to play with Merlin the dog. “ The unknown animals were large enough to be formidable predators if they had claws and sharp teeth”(5).
World’s held their breath as one single tear rolled down the cheek of a broken queen. Not a sound was uttered as the breath was released and Penelope wiped her cheeks clean of any sign that she had been mourning as she slid out from between the blankets. She crept through her house, though it could have been a stranger’s without her lord to make it a home. As she stepped onto the soft grass a warm wind whispered in her ears.
Looking back no one truly knew when the world had begun to change. The once blue sky was now a grotesques grey, the sun no longer shined bright in the sky, nor did the cotton clouds float freely through the sky. The air was barely breathable as many of the forest trees had either died out from pollution or had been cut down to provide the ever growing population within the past century. The life of luxury meant having air filters circulating though out the house making breathing much easier for those who could afford it.
“At least let me stay the night. I’ve traveled for days and need to rest. I will leave first thing tomorrow morning.” A moment of silent hesitation is the only reply. Nathan hears a quiet “fine” before the girl sheaths her sword in the blink of an eye. Her gloved hands hold onto the hilt of the sword, he notices, just in case. She seems to hesitate again before waving at him to follow, leading into the deep woods. It takes but a few moments to see the homely shack, smoke exiting through the makeshift
After all electronics were destroyed, no one had a choice but to live without them. This dreadful and traumatic event affected teens from the ages of 16 to 18 the most because electronics were such a huge part of their lives. In the beginning, they thought that they would not survive in this life without the things that made their lives “worth living” but what they learned is that they actually were not living at all. They never started living until all electronics were gone; now they see that it was the best possible thing that could have ever happened to them. The story of Amelia and her 2 best friends, Caleb and Grace, is a perfect example of this tragedy with a light at the end of the tunnel.
From the shores of Avalon to the court of King Arthur, tales and accounts of the mystical Merlin abound. Did Merlin really exist, and if so, was he the dark magical wizard of legend or an image conjured up by superstitious townsfolk to explain occurrences they didn't understand? To answer this question, one should first look at the actual accomplishments of the figure Merlin. When was the character introduced and what did he do afterwards? What kinds of feats did this person accomplish to make him as well known as he is? Secondly, Merlin was well known as a mythical figure. How did this mythical figure emerge and what aspects of his life do we still remember to this day? As the son of a devil, was Merlin an evil character or a good
PRE-HOSPITAL CARE: Three critical tasks must be rapidly performed by prehospital providers caring for trauma victims:
Time moved quickly; the seasons changed, while magic filled the air. Neighbor helping neighbor, giving all that they had to share. Floods in the sandbox and swimming pools, riding on our bikes.
Looking back, Merlin was grateful beyond words that Gaius had not only found a way to break the curse on Freya before he'd thrown away his destiny but that the physician had also helped him secret his love out of Camelot and get her to Ealdor.