The suicide rate in the Mesa County is a quite disturbing fact, Allen. Thank you for the great post! Mesa County is constantly rated top 5 in America for a high death rate due to suicide (Western Colorado Suicide Prevention Foundation [WCSPF], n.d.). From your post, I wonder what were the steps and the processes that the inter-professional health care teams in your facility do before the referral or the transfer of the patient to a suitable treatment facility. As RNs, what do we do in this situation? Maybe we can listen to or maybe spend a little more time with the patient, perhaps offer a playtime with an intention to explore the feelings of the 12-year old patient? It is easier said than done but I am curios of the effects that these simple
- Confirmed with 3rd party what needs to be included in the email and foreshadowed when they will receive it.
In the article written in the (Douglas County 2010) "In Douglas County between 2003-2007: The homicide rate in the black population was 6.7 per 100,000 population, slightly higher than the white population rate of 5.9. The age group with the highest homicide rate was 30-39 year olds with a rate of 8.9 per 100,000 population. The suicide rate in Douglas County from 2003-2007 was much higher in whites with a rate of 12.9 per 100,000 compared to a rate of 4.0 for blacks." One organizational barrier is having enough program facilities and enough training of staff for the ones which we have in place. They must be able to detect potential victims and be able to recognized early those who are at risk. One way the community may decrease its suicide and murder rate according to our text (Burkholder & Nash, 2013, p.6.1) " Improving local economies and living conditions in low-income areas may also reduce the overall number of
On October 5, 2016, Fowlerville High School freshman, Brendan Kangas, committed suicide. His whole school and community was struck with grief, previously unaware of Brendan’s battle with depression. The next day school was held on schedule, and it was a very unproductive day. According to the faculty, kids were crying in classrooms, and uninstructed teachers did not know how to handle the situation (Brent). Many Fowlerville students have struggled academically, unable to cope with the news of Brendan’s death. Fowlerville was not prepared to handle such a crisis and administrators were unaware of the effect Brendan’s suicide would have on the school. Since then, several other students in Brendan’s community have attempted to take their lives as well (Brent). Suicide has not only a problem in
The bottom was characterize as a large black neighborhood in Ohio, that stood above the hill of Medallion was a predominately white wealthy community. Before it was call the Bottom, now they call it the suburbs. Consequently, a good slave master promised freedom and piece of land if the slave perform difficult chores, when they finish the work he was hastens about giving away valley land he hope to give away piece of the bottom. However, the slave thought the valley land was the bottom, the master told them when God look down, it's the bottom, it the bottom of heaven best land there is. And they agree to it, And it was done. Shadrack was a citizen of the bottom, he fought in WWI, return back as a damaged man that couldn't cope with reality of what was happening in the world, his mental state of mind was unstable he live around the border of the town to find harmony in his life.
We would start by consulting his clinical supervisor to help us confirm our options. Next, we would make sure we are knowledgeable about the legal requirements bearing on mandatory reporting of suicidal clients and the limits of confidentiality in our jurisdiction. Then, we would ask the treatment team and the psychiatrist to reconsider their decision, and give her options, such as mental health emergency services in the community and the number to a suicide hotline. In addition to the list of homeless shelters. Our goal is to make sure the treatment team conducts an adequate assessment on Jenna to avoid being vulnerable to a malpractice claim.
Researchers conduct hypotheses that suicide could be contagious. Researchers had a total of 22,064 individuals ages 12 to 17. When conducting the study they met on cycles to monitor the exposure to suicide. All groups which were separated into age had an outcome of 95% of exposure to suicide. Researchers also questioned how often certain groups were or had feelings of depression or suicidal thoughts from stressful events during the cycles. In further research, 24.1% from the ages 16 and 17 responded that someone from school has committed suicide and which 20.1%
In Arizona, the suicide rate is 16.5 per 100,000 people which makes Arizona the top 8th state with the highest suicide rate. Arizona has a population of 6.83 million people and is also the top 8th state with the highest suicide rate, according to cbsnews. As alarming as it sounds “Suicide is the 8th leading cause of death in the United States”( After looking at these statistics, suicide is a big issue in Arizona, therefore critical action should be taken. People need to learn how to identify the signs of someone who is thinking about or has decided on committing suicide. As well as get educated on what causes the victims to go through with the act. There
STEP 1:Suicide and the effects it leaves on their Families. I choose to write about Suicide and the affects it leaves on the individual 's families. Once you have dealt with this personally you won’t understand what those families have gone through.
The medical definition of suicide is the act or an instance of taking one's own life voluntarily and intentionally. For the family members who end up losing someone to this permanent decision are left to questioning what exactly lead up to their loved one making the decision to take their own life. According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention website suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States but the 11th leading cause of death in the state of Texas; based on information collected by the CDC in 2015 44,193 deaths occur from suicide and 3,403 of those take place in the state of Texas. (2017) Suicide is definitely a heartbreaking event that can emotionally effect the victim’s family and also people who have
In 2014, suicide was the tenth leading cause of death overall in the United States. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH, 2015), there were twice as many suicides than there were homicides. Suicidal ideation (SI), defined as an individual thinking about, considering, or planning their suicide, is established before the act of committing suicide. Research suggests that adverse childhood experiences (CDC, 2015) will put an individual at risk for developing a mental illness that could result in SI and suicide attempt (SA). It is important for the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) to recognize the signs of SI and SA while assessing their client.
My family and friends don’t quite understand my motivations to become a mental health counselor. Personally, I can think of nothing more rewarding than helping people through dark times and giving hope for a brighter future. Deep down, I’m an idealist with enough life experience to pepper my expectations. There are countless possible research topics within the mental health field, but I’ve recently developed a deep appreciation of suicide prevention since volunteering for the Kern County Mental Health Hotline. I’ve also become acutely aware of the relationship between suicide and mood disorders, such as depression and bipolar disorder.
The American Foundation of Suicide Prevention is a non-profit organization acknowledges that suicide and mental health problems are part of our society and by understanding this we can better support those in need, and suicide affects a tremendous amount of people and proper education and treatment can prevent people from committing suicide. “Each year in the United States, suicide claims over 40,000 lives - more than war, murder, and natural disasters combined…Suicide is not just a faceless health issue for our society - it affects real people.” (1.) The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) which was founded in 1987, is one of the leaders in fighting against suicide by offers research, education to those in need, and supports those people and their families that are affected by suicide.
DuMonthier, Asha. Digital image. Activist Fight to Stop New Youth Jail in Seattle. New America
If a person has a suicide related crisis, what should they do? A good place to start is calling 1-800-273-TALK. This is the National Suicide Helpline, and is an immediate resource to someone in crisis. Several centers around the United States maintain the helpline and provided suicide related services to their community. One of the centers in Colorado is Pueblo Suicide Prevention Center. The agency has been working with suicide related issues for over forty years and has many accomplishments. The agency works with several different types of people, and also serves their community by working with students in different educational institutions. Most recently, the center has worked with a student from the Social Work Program at Colorado
However, less then four percent of the juvenile suicides were committed within the first twenty four hours. Which was a complete mind twist compared to the results from the national study on jail studies. That found that fifty percent of suicides took place within the first twenty fours. almost thirty two percent of suicides happened between one to four months of being confined.