Scoles, Sam
Ms. Gail Hook
World History
18 November 2014
Mesoamerica: The Ballgame
What if there was a game that controlled entire civilizations and killed thousands every year when it was played? In Mesoamerica, there was a game that fit that description perfectly. This game was simply called the Ball Game. It is a very simple, yet powerful sport. The game served as a way to not only give the people of Mesoamerican civilizations a hobby, but it was also used to settle conflicts of any size. The ball game was more than a game, it was life or death. Each game had a huge significance whether it be for personal, emotional, or spiritual reasons (Andrea). People were often killed as a result of this sport. Decapitation became part of the game as
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The first and often most important rule was that the game could only be played by men of the upper classes. As Nigel B. Crowther said in one of his books, Sport in Ancient Times, “sport did not permeate all levels of society on an equal basis.” This comes from the same premise that was utilized across Mesopotamia which was that the lesser of the people do not deserve to play as it is only a privilege. They do not want the lesser people of the civilizations to play unless they are called upon for a game of great importance (Crowther). The people who played the ball game were males who were either professionals or amateurs. Also, during certain events, the ball games would see competitors that were warriors or war captives (Reichard). Every competitor, no matter who it was, worse some kind of safety gear. As seen in many forms of art from the time, the players wore gear such as belts, padding (for hips, knees, legs, elbows, etc.) and helmets that were used for both safety reasons and to display power (Lecvinson). The ball game was not a game for the soft hearted man. It was an extremely rough and violent game. The reason for all these players to play was for something much bigger than themselves.
Now, for the standard rules, the exact specifications are not perfectly clear. What experts do agree on, however, is the simple parts of the game (Andrea).The game was played with rubber balls which weighed roughly 3.5 kilograms, or 7.72 pounds, and measured around 20 centimeters in diameter (Crain). Each team, made up of two or three players, would try to throw the ball through the stone rings at the end of the court on either side. This sounds an awful like the modern sport called basketball, but it is much harder. The problem is that the teams could only score with anything but their hands
The games that are most like Olmec Ball Game are basketball and soccer. It’s most like soccer because the game has the players kick the ball and never use their hands, and in basketball you have to score through a hoop which is also the same. According to Matthew Gross who works for newsela, football also connects to The Olmec Ball Game because only men were allowed to play Women weren’t allowed to play football. Another way it connects to football is because it was only played in Mesoamerica just like football is only played in America. The ball that is used to play the game is a solid rubber ball that is made out of natural latex, milky sap like fluid found in some plant. The ball was very dangerous, it was 10 to 30 cm in diameter and weighed from 500 g to 3.5 kg. This ball could easily hurt the players. The people who played would usually wear padding and protection to not get hurt from the heavy ball. A ballcourt was found dating to 1400 B.C. Also a model of a ballcourt from Nayarit in West Mexico shows that the the game was an important part of life in the ca. 300 B.C.–250 A.D. The main goal was to get a solid rubber ball through one of the rings. The players had to use their hands so it was harder than it seems. The team was made up of men only and had two or three people. There was a different and less popular version that made the players hit sticks. This ball game is so interesting and
Sports, especially ones that involve a ball, are modern America’s favorite pastimes. Well, this was also true for the Mesoamerican people of the ninth century. While the event does not have a specific name, it is referred to as the Mesoamerican ballgame. Like basketball, this game was played on a long, rectangular court (Stokstad 405). The ball itself is said to be pretty heavy and rubber. Unlike basketball, the players wore protective gear because the actual sport of the game was to use everything but your hands to hit the ball. The object was to make it into the protruding stone goal, in which the ball would enter horizontally and not longitudinally. Some scholars suggest that perhaps the Mesoamerican ballgame was used in times of warfare,
This Article, is from the Sociology of Sport Journal, title “Learning Lessons in Tee Ball”: “The Reinforcement of Gender and Status in Kindergarten Sport”. The article was written by Melissa A. Landers and Gary Alan Fine University of Georgia (1996). The article describes how “status and gender roles can become reinforced at the earliest stage of organized sports” (Landers & Fine 1996). The data collected was done “through field notes that the authors took during participation” (Landers & Fine). The children that were being observed were “between the ages of 5 and 6”. There was a total of 24 children “13 Caucasian boys”, “6 Caucasian girls”. “4 African American boys”, and “1 Asian-American boy” all this children were from “working-class and middle class families” (Landers & Fine 1996).
This cut-throat game influenced sports in today’s age. We would have different sports if this were never invented. With this game sports have came a long way and have changed significantly. This game is still played today just not as bloody and life-threatening. It is played in few towns in Sinaloa.The background helped shape today's sports. Gameplay resembles today’s sports because they took after the game ulama. Religious connections aren't as dominate today but are still all around the world in countries sports. Ulama’s background, gameplay, and religious connections were major parts in creating sports
Italian and Ukrainian teams were forbidden to have sexual relations during the duration of the tournament. It was feared that the influence of this vice would diminish the team’s chances for success at the highest level. Similarly, as James Mooney states in American Anthropologist, “Cherokees who played stickball must not engage in intercourse for a month before a game….” It can be assumed that this would cause them to be less aggressive in their quest for perfection. Today’s athletes, in general, are superior both mentally and physically to any of their predecessors. We hold our athletes, coaches and owners to a standard of excellence that can be argued, rarely exists in other professional arena’s. In Native American culture you can begin to see, as described by Gorn and Goldstein this reverence that is attached to the superior athletes of the day. Not only was it a game, but victory was an opportunity to improve the fortunes of the Indians in areas of consequence such as “placating spirits, or warding off disease, or ensuring adequate rainfall.” I believe that this responsibility to bring good fortune through athletic contest, brought with it an almost spiritual reverence of the athlete which continues to exist today. Commercials persuade the individual to “Be like Mike,” or connect with the everyman of our generation in the ads that encourage the belief that “I am Tiger Woods.” These athletes are otherworldly in
Three years ago, Chelsea McClammer approached the starting line for her first race of the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games when, suddenly, her coach began to panic.
The role of women in society during the 1800s were to respect their husbands and be house wives. No life expectations were placed upon these women other than being a loyal wife to their husbands. Furthermore, the sports that were practised in school were light and gentle drills to prepare the girls for marriage and motherhood. However, a very small amount of the sports were open to women which lead to little amounts of women participation in sports. Even if the women had the talent or the dreams to become accepted in a certain sport, they were either humiliated by people in society or they were just plainly embarrassed to have taken a liking to a certain sport. Moreover, there was a certain type of body figure that every women strived to have, and this was the hourglass figure. This impacted the type of clothing they wore while playing sport to socialise. These clothing were heavy and modest which covered up much of their skin so these women did not show any inappropriate parts of their body.
A sport is an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment. Sports originated in early history as males only, and was often used to see which male was more dominant. In today’s society sports have a different meaning and is played by both genders, but still holds a mentality of superiority. In this essay, I will be arguing the Social Constructs of Masculinity in Sports in the language and the actions used when performing these activities through both genders and how some actions are acceptable for one gender and not for the other. Using Laurel Richardson’s article Gender Stereotyping in the English Language, and X: A Fabulous Child’s Story by Lois Gould. The article and story will help distinguish the use of words in our society and how they are incorporated in sport and how the actions of a person that does not fit the social standard faces repercussions for their actions.
Through the movies viewed in this course this semester, we saw women who were able to play against men and still keep their femininity. Nothing is lost when playing sports not traditionally meant for a particular race or gender. Society must become more understanding when it comes to the sports different types of people play and hinder from stereotyping anyone when they participate and perform well in that sport.
B. Some suggest that the earliest signs of a feet-based ball game date back as far as 2500BC, during which time the Greeks, Egyptians and Chinese all appear to have partaken in such games.
Another reason as to why the ancient games are regarded highly is because Persian king Xerxes, “on hearing that Olympia awarded only wreath prizes, marveled that Greeks competed not for material reward, but “only for honor”” (Kyle 34). The games were often associated with “physical effort, fair competition…, and sacred truce” (Callebat 556). The ancient games were meant to create a sense of peace for festivities dedicated to their gods. To do something underhanded was not justifiable.
Egyptians enjoyed the good life and playing was a part of it, all kings, princes and statesmen were keen on attending sports competitions, which they encouraged and provided with the necessary equipment. Children and adults are often depicted involved in games. Typically boys' games were rougher than those of the girls, but the latter weren’t above fighting and hair pulling, like the pair in the picture on the right fighting during the corn
The game had a certain influence in the societies where it was played as it represented aspects surrounding the people involved. It was believed that it ensured discrimination in the society did not prevail at all costs and that is why the game was free to both genders and while it started as a game for the rich, the rich made an effort for those in the lower class to get a glimpse of what it involved.
Some of the games are Discus, it is where you have a disc and you are in a ring and throw it as far as you can throw. Also they had wrestling which they don 't have now, but back then they were naked and had oil all over them. Another game was running like “the stade race, which was the pre-eminent test of speed, covering the Olympia track from one end to the other (200m foot race),” another running event was “the diaulos (two stades - 400m foot race), dolichos (ranging between 7 and 24 stades”(Olympic). Some of the other events were jumping like “Athletes used stone or lead weights called halteres to increase the distance of a jump. They held onto the weights until the end of their flight, and then jettisoned them backwards.” Another event was Boxing, “Boxers wrapped straps (himantes) around their hands to strengthen their wrists and steady their fingers. Initially, these straps were soft but, as time progressed, boxers started using hard leather straps, often causing disfigurement of their opponent 's face”(Olympic). Another event was Pankration and “this was a primitive form of martial art combining wrestling and boxing, and was considered to be one of the toughest
1. - There has not been that much proof and evidence to determine who developed sports and games but many believe that it was passed down from other cultures near the region where the Phoenicians enjoyed the same activities which are the same rituals and practices that the Greeks used.