
Mesoamerican Ball Game

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When people think of sports, some of the first things that come to mind are ball games such as football and basketball, cheerleaders, and expensive halftime shows. We rarely think about the origins of these organized games, which date back thousands of years to the subtropical regions of Central America. Today’s sports fans have nothing on the Mayans. The Mesoamerican Ball Game is the oldest known sport in the Americas. It was a ritual, political and social activity that involved the whole community. The basic form “consisted of two parallel mounds separated by a playing field, but the ball court evolved and took on an important variation with end zones forming an I shape” (Foster, 2002, p.233). These structures had sloping walls and benches, where …show more content…

The ball game was played “for many reasons, including entertainment and competition. Because the losers were frequently sacrificed, ball games also served as a way to reenact wars with enemy peoples” (Foster, 2002, p.195). To play, the ball is kept in the air by hitting it with the hips, thighs or upper arms and bouncing it of the side walls. The use of the hands or feet was forbidden. The solid rubber ball was extremely hard and causes serious injuries. The ball game “participants wore padding on their forearms and knees as protection against the hard ball and even harder masonry surfaces of the ball courts” (Foster, 2002, p.195). To protect ribs and the torso players would wear a U-shaped belt or yoke. They were made out of leather or wicker. Hachas “were axlike stone implements shaped like animal, bird, or human heads and worn inserted in the belt” (Foster, 2002, p.195). It’s also said that “the motions of the ball were thought to parallel the motions of the sun, moon, and Venus as they rose through the sky and sank in the Underworld” (Foster, 2002, p.195). There’s a spiritual story associated with the ball game about the Hero Twins from the Popol

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