
Metabolic Rate Lab Report

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Results from the experiment showed mass specific metabolic rate to increased as temperature decreased. An increased in metabolic rate is a result of an increased in respiration rate required from the mice to maintain internal body temperature at 37℃. Therefore, the hypothesis was supported because experimental data revealed respiration rate to increased as environmental temperature decreased. Experimental results can be supported by several published primary literatures that showed how environmental temperature affected an organism’s metabolic rate. One published primary literature showcased how the amount of heat transferred to the environment increased as the environmental temperature decreased. The study showed small endotherms, such …show more content…

The experiment was conducted over four trials, with each trial having a different CO2 concentration value. At the beginning of each trial, gas was filled within a bag. Each bag had a different volume of gas and this may have resulted in the varying CO2 concentration values. In addition, the initial CO2 concentration was displayed as a negative value throughout the four trials. The negative values may have affected our experiment by producing inaccurate data. Another source of error was the values for the final CO2 concentration. The final CO2 concentration fluctuated between two different values and did not stabilize. Due to time constraints, one value was chosen between those two values as the final CO2 concentration. The temperature in both the control and experimental treatment also fluctuated and were not consistent with each trial. The temperature in the experimental treatment varied due to the shifting of the ice bag around the animal chamber in an attempt to stabilize the temperature. Conversely, one design flaw of the experiment was the animal chamber. The animal chamber was built large enough for the mice to constantly moved around. The movement of the mice could have affected the respiration rates and the overall metabolic rates; thus, providing inaccurate

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