
Metabolic Superstorm Essays

Decent Essays

Metabolic Superstorm

1. Fill in the chart below. Use “+” if the patient’s vital sign is higher than normal, “−” if the sign is lower than normal, or “x” if the sign is normal. If you need to, use your text or another resource to determine normal values.

Vital Sign Increase/Decrease/Normal

Respiration Rate +
Heart Rate +
Blood Pressure -
Body Temperature +

2. If you were the doctors on the scene, what diagnosis would you give this patient? (You may use the internet to help diagnose the patient.)

I would question as to whether he has any allergies. The heart rate and respiration elevation, and low blood pressure can be present in allergic reactions.

3. Jot down some notes about your …show more content…

- ATP hydrolysis – myosin head swings and binds to a new actin - Release of Pi initiates the power stroke Steps that require Ca24: release of Ca from the cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum
Ca binds to troponin
Assignment 3

1. Predict if healthy muscle or muscle with MH will contract with the most force. The MH muscles generates excessive contraction.

3. Even though screening tests exist, most people aren’t checked for the disease. Why not?
What types of people (or what populations) would be most likely to be screened before they had their first surgery?

The testing takes time, and often people need to be admitted for surgeries quickly. Cost may also be a prohibitive factor for the poor or elderly.
Assignment 4
2) Answers to Emily’s questions:
1) How do muscles contract?
-Action potential arrives at axon terminal of motor neuron;
-Acetylcholine (ACh) is released and binds to receptors on sarcolemma;
-The sarcolemma’s Ion permeability changes;
-depolarization occurs locally in the sarcolemma;
-This local change in membrane voltage ignites Action Potential in sarcolemma;
-Action Potential travels across the entire sarcolemma and along the T tubules;
-Sarcoplasmic Reticulum (SR) then releases Calcium which binds to troponin in the thin filament, exposing myosin-binding sites;
-Myosin heads bind to actin causing

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