
Metaethics, Normative, And Applied Ethical Theories

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Ethical theory which can also be called moral philosophy is defined as the drive to analyze or construct a system which can be anything that follows some type of rules. Defending and recommending ideas of right and wrong behavior, ethical theories are usually divided into three different subject areas which are metaethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics. Metaethics goes into looking at where we get the ethics even come from and what do they mean, are they something that we just made up, does it have do with more than just own emotions and feelings. The metaethical answers that come out of this usually has to do with what God wants, universal truths, and what these ethical terms mean within themselves.
Applied ethics usually looks at things that are widely give rise to public disagreement, these issues can be things like animal rights homosexuality, capital punishment or things like that. There are things in metaethics and normative ethics that are …show more content…

This way usually tells us the good things that we should do what we should follow, and how we treat others effects people. Even though there are three different ways of ethics it can be very foggy to navigate because issues in ethics can be so similar you have to look at everything.
The reason that metaethics is important for determining moral judgements is because it is important for everyone to be able to correctly tell you with logic Their metaethics position. Metaethics allows you to dive deeper into what ethics is, it’s important to go into the why something may be good or bad, right or wrong. The real question is even if we got are ethics from different places weather you be Christian, atheist or whatever it may be, should we really care if we all come to the same conclusion like for example killing someone most people would agree is

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