
Metamorphosis By Franz Kafk Literary Analysis

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“I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone, it’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people that make you feel all alone.” (Robin Williams) The feeling of loneliness warps the psyche of a person to the point they are not that person anymore. In the novella The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, Gregor Samsa is a young man that has to deal with a family that treats him like a vermin, and expects more out of him than he is capable of. Gregor reaches his breaking point when he wakes up to be turned in too a ungeziefer, this break is showed in the novella as physical, but looking at Gregor and seeing his own thoughts have him trapped within a comatose state of how he sees him self, his family and how that lead through …show more content…

Examples from the novella will show evidence that he has suffered a mental break to where he is unable to find what is real within his own mind. A strong factor in Gregor’s break is his inner battles with him self. “…woke up one morning from unsettling dreams, he found himself changed in his bed into a monstrous vermin…” he demonstrates this sense of worthlessness as he “wakes up” from his unsettling dreams to find him self transformed into a vermin, which illustrates how he sees himself; a worthless bug.(Kafa_1). Battling with ones self leaves holes which can become mentally exhausting, leaving a person to doubt what their capable of and causes depression so deep that a person doesn’t feel like a person anymore. “I’m just opening up, in a minute. a slight indisposition, a dizzy spell, prevented me from getting up…”(Kafka_11) he feels a sense of uneasy wave over him so he makes up whats happening to hide who he truly is for he thinks he's unbearable to look at. ”… While Gregor hastily blurted all this out, hardly knowing what he was saying…” illustrating how Gregor begins to make excuses to show people who he truly is or has become to where people cant understand what he's saying, show how he cannot differentiate between reality and what he see inside his head(Kafka_12). There are many different ways to lose touch with reality, like the pressure …show more content…

He begins to realize how his family hasn't noticed him until he became late for work, his father bursts on the door yelling "Gregor, Gregor, he called, whats going on? Is something a matter with you?” the feeling of disappointment overwhelms Gregor knowing how he's let his family down and his main priority in life is to impress his family, by not getting up for work he feels that he's a failure, which shows how he has suffered a mental break finding it hard to differentiate between reality and his own mind (Kafa_6). As his metal state decreases and he becomes more and more depressed that his family wants nothing to do with his transformed self knowing what he is they choose just not to deal with him and they become discussed with the sight of him “She did not see him right away, but when she caught sight if them under the couch-god, he had to be somewhere, he couldn't just fly away-she became so frightened that she lost control of her self and slammed the door shut again.” (Kafa”_22) showing that he thinks so lowly of him self that he's not only changed how he views himself but how the perception of his whole family changes based on his incapability to differentiate between reality.

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