
Metaphors In Beloved

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Beloved has been unlike any other book. Subsequently, after reading just a few pages it had enlightened me to continue. This novel is brimming with flashbacks of memories from all the characters' past. When reading through the passage of a memory, Morrison does a remarkable job of making it come to life. I feel as if I’m there reliving history with the Characters. It is as if scenes come to life in my head followed by exploding emotions of the characters. It is effortless to develop emotional attachment to her characters and sympathize with them as they struggle through the challenges.
“One thousand feet of earth--five feet deep, five feet wide, into which wooden boxes had been fitted. A door of bars that you could lift on hinges like a cage …show more content…

While reading through the above passage, I felt mortified for Paul. In my head I imagined being walked into a room and the doors being opened only to find my grave five feet below my feet. Questions after questions flowed through my mind; why is Paul being executed and why was this recollection of the past so significant? Asking questions like this before continuing assists me in better understanding of the characters as it causes me to ask myself “how will this be vital to the character long term?” A straightforward task of asking yourself the five Ws’ can contribute to a better conclusion of the novel as it encourages you to answer your own questions of curiosity. As a reader, I found that leaving off at a suspenseful scene in Beloved has prompted me to continue reading to find out what occurs after a climactic scene. In Addition, it gives me time to think about the questions that have accumulated in my mind throughout the reading. An area I need to improve on is the ability not to get distracted easily by one character. I found myself more drawn to Beloved as she interested me because her character had two facets. I need to keep in mind that every character contributes to the overall plot of the story, if they did nnot Morrison would not have supplemented them into the …show more content…

I found that I savor scenes where the characters communicate with each other because it unveils the personality the author has chosen to give the character. Furthermore, you discover what causes a character to become upset and the feelings they have towards each other. Through conversation the ability to contrast characters’ thoughts verses their words and actions to predict what may happen next also comes through their conversations with one another.
Your experience in life is what shapes your wisdom, it is why they say the old is always the wisest. After reading through half of the novel, I noticed how essentially every one of the recollections contributes to a better understanding of the characters, especially Paul and Sethe. It displays why they have insecurities and experience challenges in their modern

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