
Metaphors In Fairclough And Wodak

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Fairclough and Wodak summarized eight main principles (cited in Rogers, 2004: 2) 1)CDA addresses social problems; 2) power relations are discursive; 3)discourse constitutes society and culture; 4)discourse does ideology works; 5) discourse is historical; 7) sociocognitive approach is needed to understand how relations between text and society are mediated; 8)discourse analysis is interpretative and explanatory and uses systematic methodology; 9)CDA is socially committed scientific paradigm.

2.3 Conceptual Metaphor Analysis
There is a wide number of definitions of metaphor, from the one Aristotle used in Poetics: “giving the thing a name that belongs to something else”, to more difficult ones, like the one Charteris-Black uses “a linguistic representations that results from the shift in the use of a word or phrase form the context or domain in which it is expected to occur to another context or domain where it is not expected to occur”
Metaphor is one of the most frequently analysed linguistic realizations in discourse analysis. In Charteris-Black’s view, (2004: 28) , metaphor is …show more content…

Differently from the classical approach, the cognitive viewpoint regards metaphor as a method of structuring abstract thinking and means of constructing human experiences (Kövecses, 2010,;Lakoff and Johnson, 2003; Lakoff and Turner, 1989; Croft and Cruse 2004 ). The theory of metaphor of thought, known as the conceptual metaphor theory was introduced by Lakoff and Johnson in their book Metaphors We Live By and triggered a revolution in the study of metaphor. The main idea underlying this theory is that metaphorical thinking is rooted in the mind, and that “our conceptual thinking … is fundamentally metaphorical in nature” (2003: 4). In other words, the idea of metaphoprised thinking raises an implication that metaphor influences the way people think, make judgments and

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