
Meteahical Theories

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Chapter one is about ethics. It is defined as what is right and wrong. By being able to follow guidelines it can make for a good life (pg.3) Ethics can be divided into two forms called theoretical and narrative. Normative ethics affects are lives at the personal and global levels. Normative ethics gives us rea world experience to apply to everyday life (pg.8) Theoretical ethics also called metaethics, is dealing with the meaning and foundations of someone’s morals (pg. 8)., . Meteahical theories can be divided two subjects. The first one is noncognitive theory, which means something is not true or false. A type of noncognitive theory is emotivism. This means that there is no truth to how we feel but just a human expression of how we feel. The second is cognitive theory, which means something is true or false (pg. 9). Two types of cognitive theory are relativist and Universalist. Relativist states that morals are different for all people. Universalist says that objective morals are present in all people no matter what they may believe (pg.10) …show more content…

The word philosophy means “lover of wisdom” (pg11) Great minds such as Socrates set out to find that wisdom is important for achieving happiness, and not accept something that is true and what you feel to be true (pg11.) This leads to the idea that it is okay to question. This can lead to self-knowledge and enlightenment. This is also known as self-actualization (pg. 15). People who are describes as being enlightened realize it is a life long process and devote their lives to find the values. Philosophers have an open mind and question what they belief and that of others (pg15). They can not accept beliefs as they are shown.. They approach it with skepticism until it can be

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