
Metentialism In Robert Frost's 'The Five People You Meet In Heaven'

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It is when individuals overcome their differences and become viewed from different perspectives. This can offer new understandings and perceptions of ourselves and others. This is explored through Robert Frost’s poetry including his poem ‘Mending Wall’ and ‘The Tuft of Flowers’. Frost explores different perceptions of society in his time through his connections with nature and his personal life. This is also reflected through Mitch Albom’s novel, ‘The Five People You Meet in Heaven’ as the protagonist, Eddie experiences death and meets the five people who have influenced or he has influenced throughout his life.

In Frost’s poem ‘Mending Wall’, was written just months before World War I was declared. Also, political tensions between European countries were rising, it is through Frost’s poetry where intellectual discoveries are uncovered. The persona of the poem meets with his neighbour to fix a wall between their properties. “we meet to walk the line and set the wall between us once again”. Frost utilises elements of irony to convey how the only time the persona and the neighbour meet, which is to rebuild the wall; the wall that keeps them apart. The persona comes to the first physical discovery of the usefulness of the wall itself, “We do not need the wall: He is all pine and I am apple orchard” which is metaphorical for the personalities of the two individuals presented. The neighbour, “all pine” is about practicality and being discrete whilst the persona is presented as

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