Methamphetamine is one the most dangerous drug in the world. Its affect on a person is devastating, it causes many problems. However, there are so many meth users across Asia, Europe, Central America and even in the U.S. It had spread throughout the world. Its prices are really high compares to other drugs that are available in the market.
History of Controlled Substance
Methamphetamine was originally called Amphetamine. Amphetamine was created in Germany in 1887. Later on, an easier version of amphetamine was developed by the Japanese in 1919. It was then renamed methamphetamine. Methamphetamine was being used as a supplement in World War II by the soldiers to keep them awake. Also it was used by the Japanese Kamikaze pilot before their
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There are a variety of age who uses this drugs, ranging from 12 to 70. There are report about adolescents abusing this drugs, from 8th grade to 10th and 12th grade. The numbers of 10th and 12th grade users have been dropped significantly since the introduction of this drug in the U.S. But the 8th grade users have stayed the same throughout the years. However, there is a significant decrease amount of users every years since the introduction of methamphetamine in the 1950’s-1960’s
Legal Response to Possession/Intent to Sell/Distribution of Controlled Substance
Possessing methamphetamine in general is illegal due to the law of the state. One could face jail time with a fine or a minimum sentence up to 6 months and longer if he/she is arrested for possessing a small amount of meth. When someone possesses meth with an intent to sell, that is even a worse offense and he/she could face jail time up to 5 years. Meth dealers are usually not good people and they usually face a really long jail time, or could be sentenced for life.
Understood Short Term and Long Term Effects of Use of Controlled
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The short-term effects are users will have sleep deprivation and anxious. It can also cause euphoria and increase the users’ heart beats. Long-term users would have even worse impacts. The user’s skin will developed irritation and their flesh will start burning and have holes on it. It will also cause the destruction in blood vessels and cells. There are many visible signs that people can tell if that person uses meth or not, for example: teeth will turn black and start falling, visible skins destruction, incredibly skinny, etc...
Positive Uses of Controlled Substance (If Any)
Even though methamphetamine is generally a bad thing and everyone should not use it. However there are surprisingly positive things of using methamphetamine to the society. Some of them would be: increasing in energy, feeling confident, reducing anxiety, and increasing in alertness. Some people would find these extremely helpful, some of these people would be those who are anxious, obesity, depressed or lack of energy. People would be more productive and society will be a little bit better.
Negative Impact of Controlled
Due to the impaired state while using meth, when a user is irritable they start to lose patience for others. This is dangerous because users don’t understand the amount of force they use if they were to hit someone, or worse, what the consequence would be if they were to have a deadly weapon. Anxiety is also a big issue with users; they feel that they are invincible and they want something to do. Some users have gone as far as believing they can fly; so they jump off a building or out a window. The irregular heart rate can be deadly if you have any type of minor heart disease. Finally, the increase in physical activity puts others in
Methadone comes from the country German. Back in 1947 they ran short of the drug morphine and had to pass out methadone. When Methadone was introduced into United States it was introduced as an “analgesic (Dolophine)”. Methadone soon became a popular medical drug in United States.
Because of the excess amount of methamphetamine the Japanese people were able to obtain it easily and more than likely cheaply because even the demand was high, the supply was high to so the equilibrium was off. Then in the 1950s methamphetamine was prescribed to help fight depression and aid in weight loss. ("The History of Crystal Methamphetamine - Drug-Free World.") This also created a situational factor that influenced an epidemic with methamphetamines now being used by college students, truck drivers, and athletes. ("The History of Crystal Methamphetamine - Drug-Free World.") Then in the 1960s the increased availability of injectable methamphetamine caused another epidemic of abuse. ("The History of Crystal Methamphetamine - Drug-Free
Methamphetamine is very additive, it’s a stimulant drug, and what stimulants do is induce alertness, elevated mood, wakefulness, increased speech and motor activity and decrease appetite. Methamphetamine is modified from its original version, people who make methamphetamine take common pills for colds, and they use those pills for the basis for the production. How the drug is made is they “cook” the extracts ingredients, and to increase the strength of the drug they add battery acid, drain cleaner, lantern fuel and antifreeze. The people that make it usually do methamphetamine themselves, and it’s a very dangers job they usually are high when they are “cooking” so the burn and disfigured, they also could be killed in an explosion, because methamphetamine is very volatile. Even more it’s dangerous after its made, because one pound of methamphetamine makes five pounds of waste, and if your breath, touch, or even near it your risking your life, because it can get you very sick, you also have to have a separate container for the toxic chemicals for it can contaminate your
It boils at 212°C, melts at 170-2°C, has a molar mass of 149.234 g/mol, has a pH of approximately 5, and is soluble in both water and alcohol. Methamphetamine was first synthesized by a Japanese chemist named Nagayoshi Nagai in 1893 and was used extensively by both the allies and the axis(Germany, Japan, Italy and other affiliates) forces to keep their troops alert and awake for long hours. After the war was over the Japanese still had large quantities of the drug stockpiled so they began to sell it over the counter until the negative side effects began to appear. The American government partially avoided this problem by making the drug prescription only but even that did not stop the rise in popularity and in 1971 the FDA classified it as a Schedule II narcotic. After
When people use drugs and keep on taking them the drugs can mess up their brain and can affect behavior. Meth is a big drug that people are making and it can hurt their body physically and mentally. In Falls city we have had 2 men arrested for having meth in their car that was found by the police. They were also caught for having marijuana in their
Pure methamphetamine, commonly known as ‘P’ in New Zealand, is a powerfully addictive synthetic stimulant, which dramatically affects the central nervous system. Methamphetamine was first synthesized in Japan in 1893 from ephedrine and by World War II it was being widely used to combat battle fatigue. After the surrender of Japan large stockpiles of amphetamine made their way into civilian markets, while in the United States it had been prescribed and used for ailments such as weight loss and depression until the early 1960s. After being banned by health officials in 1963, the first Clandestine Laboratory for the illicit manufacture of methamphetamine was discovered in the United States. Since the re-emergence of methamphetamine on the global scene, it is estimated by the United Nations that the number of world-wide users of amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS) has stabilised at about 25 million people, with levels of ATS use in Oceania considered higher than anywhere else. New Zealand has been considered in recent years to have some of the highest prevalence rates in the world. With world-wide production of methamphetamine thought to have stabilised in 2005 at between 360 and 880 tonnes, countries have struggled to contain the trade in precursor chemicals and the resulting manufacture both domestically and internationally with organised criminal entities seizing on the demand for the drug and the ease of manufacture.
While using methamphetamine, users can feel hypersexual and uninhibited, often forgetting to use protection. Since methamphetamine can be administered intravenously, some users share dirty needles. These acts can lead to the transmission of serious and deadly diseases, such as hepatitis, HIV and AIDS.
Methamphetamine was used originally in nasal decongestants and bronchial inhalers. There are a few accepted medical reasons for its use, such as the treatment of narcolepsy and ADD, but these uses are limited. In its regular form, methamphetamines are also known as speed, meth, and chalk. In its smoked form, it is known as ice, crystal, crank, and glass. Methamphetamine comes in many forms and can be smoked, snorted, orally ingested or injected. The smokeable form of methamphetamine, knows as "ice," came into use in the 1980's. Ice is a large, usually clear crystal of high purity that is smoked in a glass pipe like crack/cocaine. The smoke is odorless, leaves a residue that can be re-smoked, and produces effects that my continue for 12 hours or more. Since there are a few accepted medical reasons for its use, methamphetamine is a controlled substance in the United States, and cannot be used legally without a doctor's approval. Methamphetamine abuse can also lead to legal, financial, and social problems. If methamphetamines are used during pregnancy, babies tend to be asocial, incapable of bonding, have tremors, have birth defects, and cry for 24 hours without stopping. There is also an increased risk of child abuse and neglect of children born to parents who use methamphetamines. WISC-TV reports, "There's a new drug moving into your neighborhood, reports WISC-TV. It's methamphetamine and it's one of the
Methamphetamines are priority substances to prevent in the framework of the National Drug Strategy 2017-2026, there are two issues will cause difficult to prevent Methamphetamines users from ice drugs. Firstly, it is hard for Methamphetamines users to recover from dependence and withdrawal symptoms that is because they are highly depend on the crystal methamphetamines than other form. The second one this ploy drug using always along with ices abuse, this will put them in a more dangerous situation, and they will not realize it, thereby, they might miss effective treatment.
Methamphetamine has been around for decades and was planned to be used as a useful stimulant but backfired and became a nuisance. The brief history of the drug explains that the Japanese developed it with an understandable reason, to improve performance in battle, then to which points it has first extended to Guam, the U.S. Marshall Islands and to the U.S. West Coast. Methamphetamine became out of hand and Congress placed an act in motion in order to prevent the production of the drug. The drug has a high availability in the United States and can be easily manufactured, sold and bought. As years went by the production has been easier and more prevalent. With the many ways of administering the drug, the drug can have many types of effects on
Crystal Meth is a very popular drugs in the U.S. Meth is easy to make and is highly desirable because of the high it gives. Meth is very devastating to the body and to the mind of users. Addicts suffer greatly as the drug truly take a toll on their bodies. Chemicals needed to make meth can be found at any CVS or pharmacy in the country. Over the counter meds are they key to making the drug, which has caused the epic boom in meth use. The convenience and the chemical high meth gives off is what makes it so popular in today 's day and age. Meth is a dangerous and powerful drug that has the power to ruin lives.
The most noticeable effects of methamphetamine are the change in the skin’s appearance. Some users have been known to feel insects crawling beneath their skin. “He picks and picks and picks at himself, like there are bugs inside his face,” the mother of one methamphetamine addict told The Spokesman-Review (, 2011). Some users are covered in small sores, the result of obsessive skin picking caused by hallucination of having bugs crawling beneath the skin, a disorder known as formication. While methamphetamine makes users feel more confident, attractive, and desirable, the drug is actually making them unattractive, sores take longer to heal, and the skin loses its luster and elasticity.
Meth is not only highly addictive it is easily "cooked" in homes across the country. Unlike some drugs, which are derived from natural sources, meth includes an array of dangerous chemicals. These chemicals can include battery acid, rat poison and motor oil.
Illicit drug use is a prevalent issue in today’s society. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, the global increase of death and disease can be largely attributed to the illegal use of drugs (National Drug Strategy Household Survey, 2013). Though the rates of illegal drug use have remained constant in recent years, there has been a shift in the use of specific drugs (National Drug Strategy Household Survey, 2013). One drug that has received a lot of attention due to an apparent increase in usage is methamphetamine. Methamphetamine is a highly addictive stimulant drug that has been a source of controversy within Australia. Though the usage of methamphetamine in Australia has remained constant over the past few years,