“Jessie, we have to cook.” This is a popular quote from the hit HBO show Breaking Bad, which follows the experiences of high school chemistry teacher Walter White as he starts cooking methamphetamine to pay for his cancer treatment. This shows success has spawned a debate about the glorification of drug use, and methamphetamine in particular, by the media. No matter which side of the debate you find yourself on, it is worth finding out more information about this compound.
Methamphetamine (often shortened to just meth), is structured as an aromatic ring with a 3-carbon chain attached,an amine group bonded to carbon-2 of that chain and finally a methyl group attached to the nitrogen. The IUPAC name for methamphetamine is (2S)-N-methyl-1-phenylpropan-2-amine and its molecular formula is C10H15N.
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It boils at 212°C, melts at 170-2°C, has a molar mass of 149.234 g/mol, has a pH of approximately 5, and is soluble in both water and alcohol. Methamphetamine was first synthesized by a Japanese chemist named Nagayoshi Nagai in 1893 and was used extensively by both the allies and the axis(Germany, Japan, Italy and other affiliates) forces to keep their troops alert and awake for long hours. After the war was over the Japanese still had large quantities of the drug stockpiled so they began to sell it over the counter until the negative side effects began to appear. The American government partially avoided this problem by making the drug prescription only but even that did not stop the rise in popularity and in 1971 the FDA classified it as a Schedule II narcotic. After
During 1984 through 1994, 10 years into The Crack Epidemic, the homicide rate of African American males aged 14-17 doubled. Along with an increase of African American children in foster care, fetal death rates and weapon arrests. Roles lost in families and the community. Health and lifestyle of the African American communities depleting due to the powerful affects of crack cocaine. The African American community has been significantly affected by The Crack Epidemic in the areas of health and culture as a result of where the source of crack cocaine introduced itself in America, laws surrounding crack cocaine and the perception of the drug.
Methadone belongs to the class/family of drugs known as opioids, methadone is a synthetic opioid (it is made from chemicals in a lab) that was first developed in the 1960’s in Germany to treat and mask pain, however it became more popular
Crystal meth, we’ve might’ve heard of it from time to time, but what exactly is it? Crystal methamphetamine has become a widespread epidemic across the United States. Methamphetamine crosses all barriers in today’s society, culturally, socially, and economically. The abuse of this drug and its negative oral effects have become all too familiar amongst dentist and dental healthcare workers. Meth last much longer than crack cocaine and although it is much cheaper to purchase, it is much more hazardous and possibly even deadlier to process. The abuse of this drug leads its victims to have an accelerated physical appearance and devastating oral effects known as Meth Mouth.
Methadone is one of the most common medications used to treat opioid addiction. It decreases the symptoms of opioid withdrawal and inhibits the euphoric effects caused by abusing heroin and prescription opioids such as oxycodone. When used as prescribed and under the supervision of a trained physician, methadone is an effective complement to treatment. SAMHSA also recommends patients remain on methadone treatment for at least 12 months. Many people require multiple years of treatment. When discontinuing methadone treatment, patients should slowly taper off of it under doctor supervision. Buprenorphine decreases the potential for opioid abuse, reduces withdrawal symptoms and cravings and decreases the risks of overdose. Because buprenorphine
Methadone is a strong drug that can overtake your body and start to deteriorate your body slowly but surely. Methadone can change the effects of your body physically, mentally, and emotionally. Methadone also changes your physical appearance to your skin and begin to either stretch or change your features.
Methadone is a synthetic opioid drug which was first used in World War II for the treatment of pain. Since then, methadone has become a popular choice for treating those addicted to other opioid drugs such as heroin, oxycodone, morphine, and hydrocodone. It is used to reduce dependency and the treatment should help them become clean. Even though, the policy of giving methadone to drug addicts is not a cure, it is a good one. Fortunately, the Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT) is a reliable way for those with an opioid addiction to stop and not restart the use of opioids. For many, methadone treatment provides an opportunity to regain balance in both lifestyle and priorities. (“Opiate Addiction and Treatment Resource”). Everyone deserves
The ingredients used to create meth, are not complex ingredients. Many of the ingredients are normal every day household chemicals, and over-the-counter drugs.
“Along with the selling of the drug, methamphetamine labs can breed crime, including burglaries, theft and even murder (Community Impact from Methamphetamine, 2015)”. A person high on methamphetamine could potentially end up hurting themselves or some else. People have been killed for not owing up to a drug payment or coming though on a transaction (Community Impact from Methamphetamine, 2015). It is very dangerous to have this type of person living in a community. It endangers everyone and the outcome of the situation is
23. The illicit manufacture and distribution of methamphetamine in the United States today is due to the involvement of…
The Article discusses how the meth rampage in America, has essentially destroyed people, and their communites. This drug started on the west coast but eventually spread to the east. Meth is easily, and cheaply made. Yet has permanent effects, and destroys lives, and town. The toxic ingredients in meth lead to server tooth decay known as meth mouth. The teeth become black, stained, and rotting. The teeth and gums are destroyed form the inside, and the roots rot away. It also causes open sores, weight loss, and will make you look twenty years older than you really are. One puff will keep you up for 24 hours. Methamphetamine is a manmade chemicals, battery acid, drain cleaners, and anti-freeze., as well as amphetamines, which is from cold medicine.
Most criminological research focuses on communities, where some assume and think that small towns are quite safe and crime-free environments. Meanwhile, using methamphetamine has become surrounded in rural parts of the country. In her book Methamphetamine: A Love Story, Rashi K. Shukla focused and enlightened on the understudied of poverty and drug abuse. Through her journey, she proves emotionally how meth has become the spotlight to the lives of some residents. In the process of uncovering how and why she participated in their drug using careers, Shukla tells how the lifestyle surrounding meth use becomes as addicting as the drug itself and highlights the unsustainability of meth addiction and the struggles
Methamphetamine is the most addictive drug used today. It appeals to people of all ages, and is not a respecter of person. It is creating a society with no future. Unless we as a society can contain and stop this issue, there will be no hope. What is the federal government doing to stop this problem? How are Pharmaceutical companies reacting to this issue? What are the effects on the general public? This is just some of the issues that were discussed in Frontline’s ‘The Meth Epidemic’ video. We will attempt to answer these questions throughout this paper.
Methamphetamine was used originally in nasal decongestants and bronchial inhalers. There are a few accepted medical reasons for its use, such as the treatment of narcolepsy and ADD, but these uses are limited. In its regular form, methamphetamines are also known as speed, meth, and chalk. In its smoked form, it is known as ice, crystal, crank, and glass. Methamphetamine comes in many forms and can be smoked, snorted, orally ingested or injected. The smokeable form of methamphetamine, knows as "ice," came into use in the 1980's. Ice is a large, usually clear crystal of high purity that is smoked in a glass pipe like crack/cocaine. The smoke is odorless, leaves a residue that can be re-smoked, and produces effects that my continue for 12 hours or more. Since there are a few accepted medical reasons for its use, methamphetamine is a controlled substance in the United States, and cannot be used legally without a doctor's approval. Methamphetamine abuse can also lead to legal, financial, and social problems. If methamphetamines are used during pregnancy, babies tend to be asocial, incapable of bonding, have tremors, have birth defects, and cry for 24 hours without stopping. There is also an increased risk of child abuse and neglect of children born to parents who use methamphetamines. WISC-TV reports, "There's a new drug moving into your neighborhood, reports WISC-TV. It's methamphetamine and it's one of the
Methamphetamine also affects the user’s mouth. This is often referred to as “meth mouth.” There are several factors which, when combined, create an environments that destroys the teeth, the blood supply and supporting tissues. Methamphetamine users are unable to take care of daily tasks, such as brushing and flossing, due to the crash affect of this drug which can last many days. When they are awake for long periods of time the energy bursts they experience do not allow them to concentrate
Meth is not only highly addictive it is easily "cooked" in homes across the country. Unlike some drugs, which are derived from natural sources, meth includes an array of dangerous chemicals. These chemicals can include battery acid, rat poison and motor oil.