
Mexican Culture Essay

Decent Essays

Mexican, Filipino, and Thai these are just a few of the diverse cultures in this group. To begin with, some interesting aspects of the Mexican culture is that the primary language of the culture is Spanish, the primary religion is Catholicism, and in Mexico one of the popular celebrations are The Day of the Dead. To begin with the primary language of the Mexican culture is Spanish. Approximately 92.7 percent of the Mexican population Speaks spanish. The lesser used dialects in Mexico include such as Mayan, and Nahuatl. Another interesting aspect of the Mexican culture is the primary religion is Catholicism. 82% of the Mexican population identifies as Catholic. There are also very few Muslims, Jews, and Buddhists. Last but not least, Day of the dead is celebrated in Mexico. It is celebrated on November 2. This day is set aside to remember and honor those who died.
Furthermore, the language, art, and celebrations are a few of the intriguing aspects of the Chinese culture. Initially, there are seven dominant dialects of the Chinese language. Each of these languages also have their own variations. For instance, Mandarin dialects are spoken by 71.5 percent, Wu 8.5 percent, and Yu (also known as Cantonese) 5 …show more content…

The flower leis are especially the most alluring things about the Hawaiian culture. Flower leis are one of Hawaiian culture's most recognizable customs. In Hawaiian culture the lei should be offered graciously with a kiss and removed in private. It is often considered rude if you remove it in front of the person who gave it to you. The Hawaiian language adds to the one of the interesting things in this culture. It is comprised of five vowels and eight consonants, this is the shortest alphabet in the world. Lastly, the hula. It is comprised of swaying the hips, graceful hands, and colorful costumes. It has two major forms the ancient, and the

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