
Mexican Earthquake Essay

Decent Essays

While Mexico was in the middle of an economic crisis, Mother Nature did not care about their dyer situation. In fact, it turns out that she wanted to take out a bit of revenge on the people of Mexico for what they had done to the world due to their oil extraction crusade. And how did she extract her revenge onto the country of Mexico? Well, on September 19, 1985 around 7:15 in the morning, we are demonstrated on how she decided to extract her revenge, by summoning a massive earthquake, with a magnitude of 8.0, onto the capital of Mexico, Mexico City. This earthquake was recorded as one Mexico’s worst earthquake that they have ever experienced, and probably one of the deadliest of all Mexican history. However, it wasn’t just the earthquake that ruined Mexico, nor did the aftershocks as well. Since Mexico was in the middle of an economic crisis and the country had a newly elected president, Miguel de la Madrid, the government of Mexico couldn’t be able to respond to the tragedy during this time. There was no real plan for them to try and fix up the earthquake situation. Thus, this further divided the country even more. So much so that according to Esteva, the earthquake had brought in a new civil response towards their government, in which, “gave rise to a new way of doing radical politics…attributed to the network of community reconstruction groups” (58). And this is something in which Mexico still suffers to this day. Military vehicles and troopers patrolling around cities seems to be quite a common thing to see now a day. …show more content…

According to Bergoeing and others, it just goes to show you that, “For Mexico, like much of the rest of Latin America, the 1980s were a ‘lost decade’”(3), a time in which Mexico became one of the unlucky victims that had to suffer during this

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