Hi Dr. Lucas and Terry Would it be possible for team 4 to go either 1st or 2nd for the presentation next week as I work nights and will need to leave for work at 10:30 (9:30 eastern) and hoping not to miss any part of out teams presentation. Just a quick question, the 20 minutes for the presentation, does this include the class discussion time (Q&A) or is the Q&A extra. For example, say we speak for 15 minutes, this leaves 5 minutes for class Q&A and discussion total time 20 minutes. Or we should speak for 20 minutes, then the Q&A/discussion could take 5 to 10 minutes total time 30 minutes, (it is this latter example which may create an issue with me needing to leave the class early to go to work). Thanks
I believe that the dilemma is simple: a student challenges the school official authority. I said simple because not for the dilemma’s complexity rather for the regularity with which a young behave in a rebellious manner.
Yes Sir, I have been with the organization from Fort Monroe to here in Suffolk for 21 years working exercises support. I have supported at least 30 events a year, and pack out up to 30 pallets depending on what or how much equipment was needed for an event. I never had any broken equipment that I have pack out that were damage due to my expertise. Never been late to have the equipment inventory and pack properly for shipment for an event. Worked diligently thru 100 degree heated temperate and 30 degree freezing temperate to get the mission completed.
I talked to Kristen about holding office hours for purchase questions and she didn’t think it was necessary. Employees are already going to her with questions throughout the day and she’s fine with that. She felt that if employees are working live files and have questions, they need immediate answers and shouldn’t have to wait for office hours. She did agree that supervisors need to be tied in. What if we ask employees to go to their supervisor with questions and if the supervisor can’t answer, the supervisor will go to Kristen or myself? The supervisor can even bring the employee with them. And as we discussed, I think an ongoing FAQ will be helpful, so we will get that implemented.
Richards adopts a teleological-parochialism position 1 to justify that his actions are ethical, 2 even though they are illegal (Baugher & Weisbord, 2009). 3 Richards argues that his actions are ethical as they resulted in desirable consequences, in the form of better sales/performance figures, which met analyst forecasts and positively affected shareholder value (Radtke, 2004; Fernando, Dharmage, & Almeida, 2008). 4 He acted in the interests of his ‘in-group’ (other executives/managers), maximising their performance-based compensation, 5 at the expense of others (Barnett, Bass, & Brown, 1994). 6 Richards also claims that his actions were not serious, as recognising revenues
As one of four children, chores should by split equally amongst the children, so that each child is not overwhelmed by duties. There will two chores assigned to me daily. On top of the two daily chores, each child shall mow when permitted once a month. When the season calls for snow, every child shall help shovel the driveway. Nikole Miller chose the chores, done by each child daily, at the beginning of each week.
My group had an instance of functional which was to work together to achieve the assignment. We had to pick four out of eight people, and all of eight people would die very soon if they did not have another heart. After reading the assignment sheets, we could pick two people immediately, Peter and Thomas, who were young boys. We had a lot of opinions about picking the other two. For me, I would pick Father and Donna base on what I read. However, after spending about ten minutes to discuss with my group, we all had agreement for Father and Mike. Even though I picked Donna instead of Mike, the other members shared their opinions and analyzed the information; so finally, I agreed to pick Father and Mike. At first, each of us had different choice
EMS 310 Blackboard Discussion Week 2 - Mandatory Natural Disaster Evacuations - Who should perform this duty?
Briefly summarize the content of the lecture and the highlights of the Q&A session (if any)
I would suggest to my friend to get support from a cognitive behavioral therapist. CBT would the best fit for this friend because, this type of therapy focuses on both the behavior and thought processes regarding and influencing this behavior. CBT is also supported through research to be the most effective treatment for depression. The biggest factor for choosing CBT as a recommendation is that my friend is having suicidal thoughts, and with CBT those would get addressed immediately before starting a treatment plan. The treatment would not actually start until the therapist would know that she would be safe from harm. The treatment plan may involve her changing her cognitive processes thus changing her maladaptive behaviors. Along with changing
The human resources department needs to revisit some of their decisions to strength their portion of the structure and better the company for the future. The high turnover rate has caused lack of employee motivation, low morale and with pay levels below their competitors’standards; there is lack of structure in the performance review process within the entire company. These issues can be corrected by creating a coaching, feedback process, and
Southwestern University: F The recent success of Southwestern University’s football program is causing SWU’s president, Joel Wisner, more problems than he faced during the team’s losing era in the early 1990s. For one thing, increasing game-day attendance is squeezing the town of Stephenville, Texas and the campus. Complaints are arising over parking, seating, concession prices, and even a shortage of programs at some games. Dr. Wisner, once again, turns to his stadium manager, Hank Maddux. This time, he needs a guaranteed revenue stream to help fuel the stadium expansion. One source of income could easily be the high-profit game programs. Selling for $6 each, programs are a tricky business. Under substantial pressure from
2.When we prepare for the case presentation, are the reference list and the first slide (it just shows the details of the topic and presenters) count for the slides maximum?) (Lecture stream with Simone Lockhart)
I have reached out to RMT to schedule an onsite visit to discuss corrective actions. Julie Brackett with RMT did respond to the email I sent indicating she was out of today, and we will be coordinating the timing of the visit tomorrow morning.
For my demonstration speech, I chose to show the class how to make gluten-free sugar cookies and delivered my speech was extemporaneously, using a summarized speaker outline as a guide. I arrived to class early to allow time for setup. A fellow student agreed to record my speech in order to provide me with a recording to review later. My speech ran for about eighteen minutes in total.
The credit union’s Hispanic membership will share similarities such as country of origins, traditions, language and many more. However, each member will have different necessities. The Member Customer Service (MSR) team can help the credit union identify which products and services might be the best fit to address the needs of members on an individual case. Hispanic members may not be aware of all the different opportunities available to them through their credit union membership; Therefore, we have put together the following conversation guide for MSR teams to begin those critical conversation that will help them to understand the needs of their membership.