
Mgt 311 Week 4 Case Study Group Work

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Hi Dr. Lucas and Terry Would it be possible for team 4 to go either 1st or 2nd for the presentation next week as I work nights and will need to leave for work at 10:30 (9:30 eastern) and hoping not to miss any part of out teams presentation. Just a quick question, the 20 minutes for the presentation, does this include the class discussion time (Q&A) or is the Q&A extra. For example, say we speak for 15 minutes, this leaves 5 minutes for class Q&A and discussion total time 20 minutes. Or we should speak for 20 minutes, then the Q&A/discussion could take 5 to 10 minutes total time 30 minutes, (it is this latter example which may create an issue with me needing to leave the class early to go to work). Thanks

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