I am Mia Haskins. I was born on October 9th, 2004 in Mary birch hospital located in San Diego, California. When I was born, I was colic so I cried a lot. My parents are Scott and Teri Haskins. I have two sibling an older sister named Ryann and a twin brother named Max. Ryann is 15 and Max and I are 12. When I was very little I need glasses very badly The first school I have ever went to was Pilgrim preschool. Then, I went to Calavera Hills elementary school and now I go to Calavera Hills middle school. I am currently in seventh grade and happy. Some of my accomplishments is having all A's and A+’s on my report card for 6th and 7th grade and being in honor roll. My favorite subjects are math and P.E. I like to read, tumble (similar to gymnastics),
Cassie Dawin Campbell was born on November 22, 1973 in Richmond hill, Ontario, Canada. In the early 1990’s she was a defensemen in hockey and was the captain for the University of Guelph’s team. During the time that Cassie played for this team she took them to a collegiate championship in 1995. She was also a member of the Canadian women’s national ice hockey team, and played for both teams respectively at the same time. She won her first international gold medal at the World Championships in 1994, and after she graduated university with a degree in sociology, she won her second gold medal at the 1997 World Championships.
I was Born December 21st, 1925 in Cincinnati Ohio. My parents are Nick and Johanna Kamenshek. I was an only child my whole life but I had large dreams. I dreamed of becoming a nurse and I wanted to help everyone, small problem with that. My only way of becoming a nurse was by enlisting but my mother was worried and wouldn't let me
march 17,1972 in Selma,Alabama.Her real name is Mariel Margret Hamm.Her mother called her mia because mia reminded her of a ballet teacher name her mia.
Have you ever put much thought into how an uneducated woman with a disability in reading and writing, could still find a way to work and fight for not only her rights but others too? Isabella Baumfree was a phenomenal woman . She took a stand for women’s rights, blacks rights, and anti-slavery. She was a well-known abolitionist and orator.Isabella Baumfree, was born in 1797, to parents who were enslaved; she was one of twelve children. She had a rough childhood. She was sold at the age of eleven, along with a flock of sheep for the price of one hundred dollars. She experienced countless beatings and sexual abuse from her master (slave owner). Later, she married a man named Thomas and had children of her own. Her children were eventually sold to different plantations. She was only left with her infant daughter . Isabella Baumfree was a runaway slave. As the result of her children being sold, she was only able to escape to freedom with her infant daughter. After she obtained her freedom ,she went to court and challenged the validity of her son being sold into slavery. She was successful against so many odds in the court case. She won. Isabella Baumfree continued down her religious
Andrea McWilliams is an Austin, Texas based lobbyist, political fundraiser and philanthropist known for her eloquent speaking abilities and strength of integrity. She has defined herself as an exceptional lobbyist nationally, within both government and private sector as a representative to be reckoned with. Andrea McWilliams is Co-founder of McWilliams Governmental Affairs Consultants. Where she and her husband and colleague Dean McWilliams create political policy with tenacity and determination. Andrea McWilliams has taken on the forum of national political commentator, and is a much sought after public speaker. Her strategies and political prowess have been documented by such reputable sources as, NPR, CNN, the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Newsweek, and Fox News.
I don’t know why, but somehow the image of the white sands between her toes, the large palm trees hanging overhead, the cool ocean breeze, the whole tropical dream, always manages to make a smile on her face. This paradise, I imagine, must be the complete opposite at home, what with being the middle child of a younger brother, Jonathan, and an older step brother, Chandlier, two cats, two dogs, a bunny, and two tropical animals called sugar gliders. This girl, who I thought I could read like an open book, proved to be very surprising and one of the friendliest people I know.
Clare Spackman added a rather interesting facet to the world of OT. Spackman was a prime example of resourcefulness in her position at the Choctaw-Chickasaw Sanitarium in Oklahoma. Spackman worked with the children there and although she loved her patients, she often had to economize because of the lack of budget. She would often take her inspiration from nature and use natural resources for the children’s crafts.
British Marine Commando Eric Walderman took four shots to the head during a firefight at the port of Umm Qasr, but the bullets did not penetrate his helmet. Police lieutenant David Spicer took four .45 caliber slugs throughout his body at point-blank range and lived. These men and countless others are alive and have one woman to thank for it, Stephanie Kwolek. Stephanie Kwolek’s life, invention of kevlar, and work with chemistry has forever changed and impacted our word for the
Hello I am Gabrielle Adams and I am 14 years old and I was born and raised in Alpena Michigan. When I was little I have always wanted to go into visual art, performing arts, or photography. I love playing instruments. I play the bass drum in marching band and I am learning to play the violin and the electric violin. I also love taking pictures of nature. I am interested in art and the history of art. I like hanging out with my friends and listening to music. My favorite class in school is marching band.
Louisa and Felicia are both women of UK nationality that committed infanticide around 110 years apart, though the cases ran very parallel, the rulings were very different. Over those 100 years modern day courts have changed dramatically in many forms. 18th century courts based their trials off the basis of “guilty until proven innocent”. Today, trials based off the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Section (11) stating that “Any persons charged with an offence has the right; to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law in a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal.” Canadian Judges attempt to not be socially or politically tied biased.
Have you ever heard about Bethany Hamilton? Well if you have or have not your're about to. She is really strong and she is a surfer. Then something really bad happened. In 2003 she was just floating on her board and a 15 foot tiger came up and snatched her arm. She didn't see he shark. She didn't feel it at first she looked over and her arm was just gone.
There have been many influential people in my life, but Marilyn Macfarlane is my role model. I started taking riding lessons when I was seven years old at Marilyn’s farm in Shelbyville, Kentucky. It is a saddleseat farm with saddlebred, hackney ponies, friesians and many other breeds. Marilyn started teaching riding lessons at the age of sixteen in West Virginia before purchasing Walnut Way. It is hard to tell how many riders and others she has influenced through her work and love for horses. To me she is set apart from others because not only does she teach you how to ride, but horse care and horsemanship are her top priority. Accomplished would be an understatement, Marilyn has paved the way for everyone in the saddlebred industry she was
It all started with a girl named Lexi Watkins, she was a very sporty and fun girl to hang out with, although she was very serious about playing a very particular sport that she loved volleyball. Lexi tried out for the varsity volleyball for her high school team, The Wolves, she practiced every night with one of her best friend’s Shiloh. The two girls were very good friends since they were young although, Shiloh had some medical problems with her though, she was born with no legs. Even though Shiloh was born with no legs, she helped Lexi with anything,but their relationship was about change.
From the moment they married, Donna Hughes’s parents were intent on having a family to call their own. Her mother was left with just one sibling after her family was decimated by a viral case of pneumonia during an especially hard winter, and her father had never known his family. Donna was born in the early morning hours on March 6th, 1949 in the Canadian town of Edmonton. She was not even ten minutes old when the nurse snapped a picture of her parents and two older brothers already doting on her. Donna had known from an extremely early age that her family loved her and would always love her. Being both the youngest child and the only daughter, Donna received an exceptional amount of attention from both her parents and her brothers. In her
Holly Kucenski, a follower of God, son of Lynne and David Kucenski, born and raised Catholic, a person who was loosing faith in God, called to change my ways, and was set apart from all the evil in the world. Divine Mercy Encounter changed my life, I then knew that I needed to change, and get people closer to God. It makes me sad when I see people losing God, when they just can't reach him. If you lose God, then you will will start losing yourself. grace and peace from God the Father to you.