The Miami VA Healthcare System serves Veterans in Miami-Dade, Broward and Monroe counties and operates a total of 372 hospital beds (US Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration, n.d.). Since the VA system is owned and run by the federal government, audit requirements in order to provide dietary and nutrition care services in the inpatient, outpatient or long term care setting are different compared to private sector hospitals. Hospitals and health care organizations get accreditation from the Joint Commission in order to meet federal requirements and get payment from Medicare and Medicaid programs (The Joint Commission, n.d.). However, since the Miami VA Healthcare System is a government organization and at a higher level is not required to do so (M. De La Cera, personal communication, January 12, 2017). Nevertheless, the Miami VA requests unannounced visits from The Joint Commission every three years to monitor and strengthen their performance excellence as well as keep their ongoing commitment to the safety and quality care of their patients (Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs, 2016). Furthermore, the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) conducts unannounced onsite reviews of the Community Living Center (CLC) to review processes and procedures. Inspectors from AHCA seek …show more content…
Documentation of follow-up on the reviewed chart included: current nutritional status level, the status of previously identified nutritional problem, reassessment of the nutritional status risk and the appropriateness of the diet. Additionally, it included recommended continuation of nutritional intervention as well as the next follow-up
Joint Commission is an independent, not for profit organization that accredits more than 19,000 health care facilities in the U.S. Accreditation is voluntarily done by the Joint commission visiting the facility and performing quality cheeks to certify organizations who have followed specific state licensure requirements to become accredited (Hay, 2017). The Joint Commission is continuously updating policies on sentinel events in all facilities. The guidelines are an overall policy for all organizations to follow. The sentinel event policy does recognize each individual entity but follows the same outline for these events that occasionally take place.
The Acadiana Medical Reserve Corp is a unit within the Medical Reserve Corp. It is commonly referenced as the AMRC and it is responsible for region 4 in the state of Louisiana. Region 4 consists of the following parishes; Acadia, Evangeline, Iberia, Lafayette, St. Landry, St. Martin, and Vermilion. AMRC is responsible for credentialing volunteers for the Louisiana Emergency Medical Unit (LEMU). LEMU is the emergency response system for the management of natural and man-made disasters. AMRC is comprised of all forms of medical and non-medical volunteer personnel with currently 529 volunteers. Volunteer credentialing entails the application of personnel information into the database of the Louisiana Volunteer in Action (LAVA), a partner of the
The Miami VA Healthcare System serves Veterans in Miami-Dade, Broward and Monroe counties and operates a total of 372 hospital beds (US Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration, n.d.). The VA system, which is part of the Department of Veterans Affairs, is owned and run by the federal government. Consequently, the Miami VA’s audit requirements in order to provide dietary and nutrition care services in the inpatient, outpatient or long term care setting are different compared to private sector hospitals. Hospitals and health care organizations get accreditation from the Joint Commission in order to meet federal requirements and get payment from Medicare and Medicaid programs (The Joint Commission, n.d.). However, since the
The Joint Commision (a not-for-profit) is known as a symbol of quality for performance standard in hospitals and organization in the United States. Their purpose is to accredit and certify that nearly 21,000 health care organization are providing safe and effective care. If a hospital or organization chooses to maintain their accreditation they are provided with a manual which includes a list of chapters such as, the environment of care, leadership, provision of care, treatment and services, life safety, and information management. In each chapter, it describes specific standards/requirements that must be met to maintain compliance. The Joint Commission also addresses health record documentation standards and elements that include, legibility,
Health care organizations generally volunteer to seek accreditations from the Joint Commission by allowing expert surveyors evaluate their facility. The surveyors are made up of a multi-disciplinary team that spends an average of two days inspecting health care facilities. The purpose for the inspection is to evaluate a health care facilities standards, staff, regulations, policies and procedures, and quality improvement, and performance measurement. The Joint Commission surveyors generally look to see if the organizations governing board is taking part in ensuring that the facilities has facilitated safety and quality assurance program.
Since it’s founding in 1951, The Joint Commission has set standards and completed evaluations and accreditations for over 20,000 health facilities. Though not a government agency,The Joint Commission has a great level of authority in the field of healthcare and approval from the organization is often required by local health departments and CMS. Receiving the Commission’s seal of approval also goes a long way with potential clients familiar with the high standard of
The VA is the primary hope for veterans and where there help comes when they need it. Linda Schwartz, the head of Connecticut’s VA says the problem is probably a lot bigger than what the numbers say. “A veteran’s death often does not get reported as a suicide” (Radelat) The problem is huge and daunting to the VA. Schwartz’s VA is proud that her facilities seem to have largely missed the scandal of the VA, and the VA is offering different therapies to widen out the options for the veterans when they go to the VA.
The Joint Commission is an independent not for profit group that provides as the accreditation issuer within the United States. “…The Joint Commission accredits and certifies nearly 21,000 health care organizations and programs in the United States” (Commission, 2017). Its purpose is to develop performance standards for accreditation programs that hospitals and other healthcare related organizations are required to pass to receive accreditation from the Joint Commission. These specifications are affirmed upon addressing vital elements of the daily operation that involve patient care, medication safety, infection control, and patient's rights. The importance
What nutrients are and how they affect our body, malnutrition, deficiency etc. The guidelines which determine nutritional health including dietary reference values (DRV), what a balanced diet is and how to maintain this, what BMI is and how to calculate it, the eat well plate, I will explain possible influences on dietary intake, assess how these influences may affect the nutritional health of individuals and I will also make realistic recommendations for minimising the impact of negative influences on individuals in a specific health and social care setting.
There are many roles of the Joint Commission in accrediting medical facilities. The Joint Commission was founded in 1951 and is the nation’s largest accrediting body in health care. They evaluate nearly 21,000 health care organizations in the Unites States. (The Joint Comm, 2016) Once an organization earns the accreditation they are re-surveyed every three years unannounced. They are responsible for making sure that healthcare facilities are up to date on all standards, policies, and procedures. “Joint Commission accreditation can be earned by many types of health care organizations, including hospitals, doctor’s offices, nursing homes, office-based surgery centers, behavioral health treatment facilities, and providers of home care services
The health care organization covered is Jackson Health System in Miami, Florida. With over 2500 beds, this is one of the largest health systems in Florida and its flagship Jackson Memorial is one of the largest in the country. There are a number of strengths and weaknesses that will characterize the strategic direction that the organization will follow. Among the strengths are that Jackson has a large geographic footprint with Miami-Dade County, it has the financial backing of the county, that it has a diverse workforce, its relationship with medical school at the University of Miami, its leadership, and the multiple clinics and specialized services that it offers.
• benefits for them. You getting a higher education and improving your skills means you can do more at your current job.
West Florida Regional Medical Center (WFRMC) located on the north side of Pensacola, Florida competed strongly with sacred heart and Baptist hospitals for patients. WFRMC’s CEO John Kausch was an active member of the Total Quality Council of the Pensacola Area Chamber of Commerce (PATQC) (McLaughlin, C.P., Johnson, J.K., & Sollecito, 2012).. PATQC’s vision was to develop the Pensacola, Florida area into a total quality community by promoting productivity, quality and economic developments in all area organizations both public and private (McLaughlin, et, al., 2012). John
The VA (Veterans Affair) Health Care System is one of the largest, most advanced health care networks in the U.S. The VA Health Care System is the provider for veterans, retirees and their dependents and manages all their health care. The VA Health Care is actually one part of the Department of Veterans Affairs. There is also VA Benefits Administration which has to do with compensations and pensions. Then the other part of the VA is the National Cemetery Administration which is in charge of the cemeteries and providing burial and memorial benefits. All these parts make up the Department of Veterans Affairs. (VA History)
The Joint Commission is a nonprofit organization that certifies more than 18,000 health care organization and programs throughout the world. Founded in 1951, the Joint Commission provides a national symbol of quality for health care as well as analyzes each organization’s commitment to meeting high quality performance standards. The Joint commission focuses on accrediting Acute Care Hospitals, ambulatory, behavior health, long term care, health care facilities, clinical laboratories, health care networks and hospice. Numerous of accreditation organization is also taking place within the United States, but the Joint commission remains the largest The Joint commission accredits 20,000 organization” which” one third are Hospitals.