
Michael Fred Phelps Research Paper

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Michael Fred Phelps II of the USA is by far the most decelerated Olympian of all time with 23 Olympic gold medals as well 3 silver and 2 bronze making it 28 in total . He also holds 7 current world records across his sport of swimming. At only 31 he has retired from swimming once after the 2012 London Olympics but 2 years later he came out of retirement and qualified for the 2016 USA Olympic team. Michael went from a child scared to put his face under the water to the best swimmer of all time and the reasons for his success and continuous motivation can be explained by personality theories of Maslow and Eysenck.
Phelps has struggled through injuries to make a comeback that made him world famous once more. He has pay checks that are the envy of the world but does this make him self-actualised? Looking at the personality theories of Maslow and Eysenck will look at why he has continued to push himself at such an elite level while most would just give up.
Maslow’s theory on personality, called Humanistic is based on growth and potential. According to Maslow, reaching the top level of the pyramid, Self-Actualisation. Maslow states that if one level is …show more content…

Eysenck would say because of his traits that he has not changed from the time he was a child has made his personality stable through situations such as the media changing the way the general public look at him. When the media made the suggestion that Michael Phelps was doing performing enhancing drugs instead of winning from hard work he was investigated his stable personality helped him to handle the situation. Maslow would say that this media disgrace made him move up and down in the hierarchy stopping him from self-actualising. These two theories work together in this

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