
Michael Intricate Patient Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

Michael escorted patient #1974 to Supervisor office as the patient appeared to be upset with regard to her recent HOLD. According to the patient, she complained about her assigned counselor placing her on HOLD for unscheduled sessions and this has occurred on two separate occasion. The patient then reports that on 05/8/2017- an appointment was schedule, but the patient cancelled and was told by Michael that she will receive a phone call to reschedule the appointment but no call was made. In addition, the patient shared that her assigned counselor did not fax her UDS result to DCF/Housing Worker. The patient requested to be reassigned with a new counselor. This information was relayed to Michael pertaining to the patient response. According …show more content…

5/18/2017 Michael was updated by Supervisor about what the Supervisor was able to complete with regard to his service due: All of April’s aftercare/discharge plan-but missing patient’s signature. Michael was provided via email of the list of patients that are need of to sign the aftercare discharge plan. In addition, Supervisor completed 2 tx plans on Michael’s services due, corrected 3 tx plans and signed it as the counselor for the tx plan to be quickly approved. Furthermore, Supervisor complete one discharge summary for Michael, while Michael has two remaining to complete. Michael and Supervisor discusses his plan to ensure that he meets the patient contact weekly. Michael shared he will work on rescheduling appointment during the same week period, if applicable. In addition, Michael will ensure to see his high risk patients and/or actively positive patients weekly. Session Notes: This writer stress the importance to Michael about the importance to ensure that his session notes reflects the treatment plan objective goals/problems. AWOLs- Michael was advise to call patient if they have 2 AWOLs consecutively during the same week and issue the AWOL

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