
Michael Jordan Research Paper

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Many people go through struggles in life that they just can’t seem to overcome. However, it is when you find that on reason or one drive in your life that gives you the determination to overcome whatever that obstacle is. The man I’m presenting to you today is an all-around champion. He’s a superstar with countless of fans. He’s a role model for millions of people who want to follow his footsteps and be just like him. Michael Jordan knew that Hard-Work and Determination was necessary to the road to success. He has paved the way not only for millions of athletes but also millions of people outside of sports because of his will to keep fighting. Everything that Jordan has done probably would not have been accomplished without his hard work, dedication, and determination to beat the odds. …show more content…

However, Jordan encountered numerous of obstacles that could’ve held him back but with his determination to overcome tough challenges, he didn’t let any of these things set him back. Michael Jordan was cut from his High School varsity basketball team during his junior year because he was only 5’10. After putting in countless of ours of hard work, he never thought his height would hold him back from his dream. Every day he was the first person to the gym and the last to leave. Since then, he made a commitment to keep working on his game even more to become the best player he could be. This setback motivated him every day as he awaited his chance. Jordan soon went from 5’9 to 6’3 between his sophomore and junior year. He came back his junior year after growing six inches and was now the star averaging 25pts and

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