
Michigan's Great Lakes Case Study

Decent Essays

Michigan’s Great Lakes hold 20% of the Earth’s freshwater, provide clean water for millions of Americans, and are home to more than 4,000 species of plants and animals. It is easy to note the vast importance these lakes have on public health and the unique environment surrounding them. However, many recent budget cuts on environmental programs in Michigan and the United States as a whole, could lead to devastating outcomes in an area that already needs serious protection. I am writing to you because I believe you have great influence in domestic policies relating to health and environmental impacts of the Great Lakes, and as a representative of Michigan, you know to keep our state’s most important natural resource a top priority. I urge you to protect Michigan’s Great Lakes by working to fully fund state programs such as the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, Clean Water Revolving Fund, and Drinking Water Revolving Fund, as well as work to reject many …show more content…

It is difficult to prevent this completely, however, there are steps to be taken that could regulate it. One of which would be to provide funding for state programs such as the Great Lake Restoration Initiative, Clean Water Revolving Fund, and Drinking Water Revolving Fund, which are lacking in funding. These programs work to help clean up current pollutants in the Great Lakes, as well as prevent future pollutants. They also provide clean water for millions, which is a basic human right and should thus be taken as a serious priority. Another step to be taken that would significantly improve the health of Michigan’s waters would be to create a statewide septic code. Michigan is the only state without a septic code and perhaps creating one to regulate septic systems would greatly help pollution issues in the Great

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