PP1 – Give an example on how the microchip has changed your daily life currently compared to 5 years ago. The microchip has changed my daily life in my current position, to where i can easily use smaller lighter hardward devices on the go with ease compared to bulkier products of the same nature five years ago. I am able to use a eight terabyte external hard drive today, which was the same size of a 120gb drive 5 years ago. I am able to put more on less today with ease.
PP2 – Do you think cameras in cell phones can threaten privacy? Where is the line between capturing news events and evidence of crimes, and voyeurism? Please answer with 2-3 sentences. Cameras in cell phones are essential in today’s world belief system. There would be
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In elementary school: Ethics learned in elementary school was to respect everyone and there backgrounds.
Elementary school was predominately moving around a lot and only really being there for a year or two.
In high school:
High school we became responsible for our actions and in turn were consicinsous. Moral principles in the classroom. Learned to listen to everyone know everyone and try and understand everyone, due to having a graduating class of 40 students.
Recently: i have not come across any ethics material. Learning as i see what is the moral thing to do, if i see a homeless man on the streets and i have a dollar and he ask’s for two i will oblige and help where i can.
(In other words, where/what have you learned any ethics material….)
PP4 – You are a Kennesaw State University student. Does the organization, the university, have ethics? Give your thoughts in 2-3 sentences. I would believe ethics are enforced and at a certain point we are adults to know at the university level we have an ethical obligation to ourselves and classmates. We can learn from the school and peers and organizations we find ourselves
In high school I have learned the true meaning of being selfless and what the gift of giving is. I have spent much of my high school career volunteering at school and in the community. Many students spend their years of high school partying and hanging out with their friends, but I have dedicated myself to staying after school every day to volunteer and help the Athletic Trainer at the High School, as well as being a part of our schools community service group, Youth Core, as an officer.
in an ethics class. This is to show how many of young students from high schools and universities lack a sense of common morality. Hence, it is clear that there is a “ moral shift” among the education
If I were to agree to implant chips into people they would be good reasons to do it.One of my main reasons would be to have society move faster when it comes to shopping.Who likes to wait in the line for a while?none so that would give them a reason to have a chip inserted into their hand.It will be a quick scan and there your set when it comes to paying.A chip can have you set within less than five minutes in line.
In the case of the missing microchip, the guiding question was, who stole the microchip? Orin, Anna, and I’s claim was that Doug the coffee man stole the missing microchip. Doug was our man because of a couple reasons. First, near the crime scene, investigators found sugar from the coffee shop that Doug worked at on the floor. Not only that, but Doug had the easiest access to the chip out of all the suspects. Doug’s car was parked right next to the window of the office that held the chip. Lastly, Doug lied about the arrival times of everyone. To justify our evidence, Doug was the only person that could have had the sugar. Also, no one else had access into the building like Doug did. Finally, Doug lied about arrival times stating that no one
Gordon E. Moore, co-founder of Intel, noted in 1965 that the power of integrated circuits doubles every two years.[1] This, known as Moore’s Law, is the basis for what I believe to have had the most profound impact on American History. Without integrated circuits, culture changing devices such as the iPhone would not be possible. These circuits were created in 1958 by Jack Kilby, inventor of the hand-held calculator and employee of Texas Instruments.[2] By having all the necessary components made out of the same material on the same chip, integrated circuits make electrical devices smaller, faster, and smarter.[3] This has greatly impacted the
Microchipping people isrecognized as one of the most popular evolutional technologies that could change people 's life style and standard. Human implanting has the potential ability of saving life when emergency; it is capable of improving efficiency at work and life quality of life. Also it can bring evolutional change to the security system forever. With that mass of expectation, microchipping people also brings people equivalent large amount of concerning, people are worried about the consequence of implanting things that are unnatural, radioactive or privacy-threaten into their bodies and unlikely to be taken out undamaging to body. In this report, advantages and disadvantages of the technology will be shown with discussion of engineers responsibility regards on real life cases.
The reason that the government is more about chipping is that to help the number of dogs attack. many people have question about this microchip on how it will is going to stop a dog from bitting someone. The chip obviously isn't going to do anything to prevent a dog from biting someone if it wants to. Micro chipping mandatory is to ensure more regulated ownership and more responsibility approach to dogs ownership as, from the moment the owners take their puppies from the breeders, they will know that the dog is linked to them by the details on the
Technological advances have overcome many of barriers over the years, and have been proven to be a beneficial if implemented and used correctly.
Ethics is important to everyone for the society as a whole. Whether it is in a person’s professional career or personal life, ethics and morals play an important role. The key to an organization’s success is the way they handle business ethically. Although it is not always simple to do the right thing, it is something that must be done. Conducting an Ethics Awareness Inventory is a way someone can learn how they as individuals see ethics; what is important to them the most, and what is important to them the least. I completed this inventory, and will discuss how it relates to my
The government is considering implacing microchip implants into people around the world. People have argued the fact that these microchips are good and will help us with our everyday lives . That one would be able to walk into a restaurant and be able to have their microchip scanned and the restaurant would be able to know what food or drink you prefered . Another good example of why the microchip implant is good would be that is you were to get into a car accident , the EMS could scan your microchip and see who you are and what allergies you have . However , with all of these good traits there are bad ones .
new advancements such as microchip implant for humans and animals can be very controversial. At first, the implants may seem to have benefits but in the long run they will actually cause more trouble than they are worth. These potential "troublemakers" are about the size of an elongated grain of rice and are injected in the skin under the arm or hand (Feder, Zeller 15). The chip is not powered by battery and there is nothing that can possibly leak out into the body (Posada-Swafford 8). An early form of this technology was used to monitor salmon and has been used for other wildlife research (Verhovek 5). The idea of the chips was started from the September 11 tragedy
We have begun to use microchips to monitor certain levels within the body such as glucose and base temperature in type 1 diabetics as a more proactive approach to providing effective treatment. By doing this, rather than testing on a schedule, we are able to maintain healthy levels within patients and catch symptoms before they become a problem. Katrina A. Bramstedt4 discusses the fact that in the future we could easily have microchips that not only release drugs as the body requires them but run full monitoring on the human body to tell what is out of line. We could be able to see how your body is reacting to current activity, and give a readout of what needs to be changed. When something was wrong you could potentially send output from your chip to your health care provider and have the change recommended then. Allergies and medication records could easily be kept updated on the chip as well and be accessible to any health care provider. Parents could sit at ease knowing that their children would be able to provide their allergies to schools, other families, and medical professionals. We are on the horizon of medical breakthroughs every day. If we had the ability to monitor the changes a body makes or the problems that occur when they first happen, we may be able to sustain healthy life style for longer. The common cold or the flu has the potential of becoming obsolete. We would have the ability to make the changes needed immediately and implement a higher standard of
4. The corporation gives funding to the university and other public institutions because they want to enhance reputation, but it will cause ethical concerns.
Attention Getter: In 1984 the first cd play or “Walk-man” was released. The first laptop came out in 1982 and cost a mere $8,150 which comes out to $19,630 today. In 2001 the first smartphone was released. All of these devices since have been outdated and updated. And the company that runs them all is Apple Co. And Apple would not be where it is if not for the mastermind behind it all, Steve Jobs
Ethics are the principals that build an individual’s character and integrity. It is the code of conduct that a person lives by; it is the way that a person conducts themselves when no one is around. Stealing, lying, and cheating are wrong, yet every day in the workplace these issues occur. Growing competition lends to the need for people to do what they can to get ahead and stay ahead. Ethics are pushed to the side as people try to gain power or to stay out of trouble, all at the risk of tarnishing their character. This same mindset has spilled over into Academia. A student’s desire to successfully earn a degree by any means necessary has caused educational institutions to address these ethical issues by setting policies in place to combat academic dishonesty.