
Microscope Research Paper

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How are the photographs taken with a 3D microscope different than those taken with a regular camera? How are they similar?

They are different, because you can see so much more when you look through a microscope. For instance, you can see a strand of hair through a camera, at a tenth of a millimeter, but not a cell, at 100th of a millimeter.

How can photography allow us to view the world around us in different ways?
By taking memories, and valueing them. Teaching us to cherish the times spent with loved ones, and when they are gone, to be grateful for that time with them, and grateful for the beautiful visual memories, and the beautiful mental memories of our time spent with them.

How did the grains of sand from the moon differ from the …show more content…

The sand on the earth, is particals of jewels, volcanos, and tiny particals of differnet kinds of rocks, all collecting billions and billions, perhaps even trillions, on only one beach.

Of the micro photographs in the video, which one did you like the best? Why?

The pollen, because it shows so many aspects to something so tiny. Something so small, having so so many layers, that we cant even see!

If you were given a 3D microscope to use for photography, which object(s) would you most want to photograph? Why?

I would want to photograph things like fruits, flowers, and people. Because it's important for people to be able to see completely what they are seeing. Frankly, we have kind of bad eyesight as humans. It's important for people to see and appreciate, the little things in life.

What is your favorite photograph in the presentation? Why?

My favorite, has to be the refuge. Her eyes certianly tell a story, and you can see so many emotions in them. They tell a story that words cannot, they tell a story that no one else would ever be able to see, otherwise.

What is special about

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