
Mid Term Exam : Take Home Essay

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Mid-Term Exam: Take Home Nursing Theory Nur3333 Total Points Available: 20 points This exam is based on the 5 in-class discussion assignments. The 5 evidence-based research articles refer to the models of 5 important theorists: Nightingale, Orem, Watson, Levine and Johnson. Additional sources of information to help in answering the questions can be found in the textbook, particularly in chapters 11 and 13. ALL SOURCES USED MUST BE CITED AT THE END OF THE EXAM USING THE CORRECT APA CITATION FORMAT. If you use the internet to resource information,then you should cite the website using correct online APA citation format; be sure to include the date accessed. (2 points) Please refer to the attached Rubric for grading criteria. Question 1 (3 points): Components of therapeutic self-care are wholly compensated, partially compensated, and supportive/educative. Explain these concepts of Orem’s model using heart failure as an example. Also include the use of one category of self care that could be applied to a patient seen in your clinical med/surg experience. Dorothea Orem Wholly compensatory: The nurse is expected to accomplish all the patient’s therapeutic self-care or to compensate for the patient’s inability to engage in self-care, or when the patient needs continuous guidance in self-care. This is the science of self-care (Fawcett, 2001, p. 35). Orems model, using heart failure as an example could be a patient experiencing a

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