
Middle East Dbq Analysis

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The Middle East is very important to the US. Many events have happened since our involvement with the Middle East such as the Cold War, the OPEC oil embargo, the Camp David Accords, the Persian Gulf War, and the 9/11 attacks. Over time, the US has went from focusing on containment to natural resources and then defense and safety in the Middle East and America. During the 1950s the US wanted to contain communism by using media to combat Soviet propaganda. Document A says, “To demonstrate through all media the weaknesses and fallacies of the communist system,” and “to combat active Soviet propaganda with Iran. This shows that America, in the midst of the Cold War, were doing all they could to help Iran so that they were not susceptible to becoming communist like many other countries and used media to show the weak points of it to even further make sure that Iran would not “fall victim” to communist ideals. In Document B it further explains how America built military …show more content…

Since the US decided to support the Israeli military and make a post-war peace negotiation with Egypt and Israel, known as the Camp David Accords, the Arab members of OPEC imposed an embargo against the United States cutting off their oil supply. In Document C it says, “Because of that war, most of the Middle Eastern oil producers have reduced overall production and cut off their shipments of oil to the United States.” Showing that not everyone agreed with America when it came to supporting Israeli military and that the Middle East has more control over American than we would like. Another reason the OPEC oil embargo happened is because of the Camp David Accords. In Document D it depicts a newspaper with the headline, “Egypt and Israel Sign Formal Treaty, Ending a State of War After 30 Years,” which shows that America wanted to gain allies in the Middle East and not everyone in the Middle East was happy about

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