Since elementary math has always been easy for me until I went to middle school math became very difficult for me.It became difficult because my teacher never took time to explain it the problem for me to understand.Therefore I had to stay after school for a tutor to help me understand the problem.After I passed 6 and 7 grade I had a teacher in the 8th grade that always would help me when I asked for help.In the 8th grade I understood the math problems perfectly without struggling.However I started to slack of in math so I had to stay after school for my teacher to help me.I would always get frustrated at myself when I struggled with a problem because I knew I could of solve the problem but I would let my teacher do it for
Ken is 63 years old and unmarried. He retired at age 55 when he sold his business, Though Ken is retired, he is still very active.
The mean for the column “mean” is 3.56. It is very close to the parameter of interest but is not equal to it. You can calculate a confidence interval for the mean of the mean column, but a specific confidence interval would need to be provided. In that case, the confidence interval would be centered on 3.56, not 3.5.
The average number of breakdowns from the simulation trials was 1.93 with a standard deviation of 0.20. No. of breakdowns per week
Simulation results will always equal analytical results if 30 trials of the simulation have been conducted.
In high school, I struggled with both math and physics. Between the two, physics was more challenging for me than math. When my father realized I was failing both subjects (with flying colors) he immediately hired a tutor for me. Prior to getting help, I spent a lot of time in circles trying to figure out one question after another. For some reason I could not get the hang of physics. I started to feel embarrassed about not know how to solve my math and physics problems when I realized that one of my closest girlfriend was doing well in both subjects. After taking a quiz, I would hide my grade from my classmates because I was so embarrassed about it. When my father received my first quarter report card he was very disappointed
Before the 6th grade, I really enjoyed math and I believed I was even good at it. Then to add to my excitement about math, I made a perfect score on my 6th grade Taks test. However, the next year (my 7th grade year) my teacher was a new teacher and you could tell she was struggling. She was a very nice teacher, and I loved her so much, I just struggled to understand what she was teaching. The next year, I transferred to a new school. Here, the teachers were not certified but they tried to help with everything they possibly could; however, their ability to help us was pretty limited. At my new school, we did all of our work on computers for half of the day and attended college classes at Panola and TSTC the rest of day. While I truly loved this
Imagine being given a math problem, such as, 7+7. Most people would do simple mental math to get the answer fourteen. But in American education millions of kids are forced to solve these problems with a concept called “number bonds,” and being restricted to one way of solving is greatly reducing creativity in American kids. Not only has this change in education caused stress in children of all ages but also in their parents who greatly struggle with helping their children on their homework because they don’t understand the new concepts.
such a bad situation right? when you don't know how to understand Math's solution. Even my mom she didn't understand why on earth I didn't understand these super easy solution then I ask teacher for helping me about this, She told me that "I HAVE TO MORE CONCENTRATE ON THIS SUBJECT". Everyone knows If we've got problem in which subjects we have to be more ambitious and study harder (But I can't)
Math has never been difficult for me. I think math has always been one of my strongest subjects. I think this because when I was younger I spoke Spanish first and then my parents put me in an all English speaking school and the only thing that didn't change for me was math. I never struggled in math through middle school because I always found it easy so my teachers would give me harder work than others. In the past when I struggles on a problem I would get frustrated really easy. I still get frustrated when I can't get something correct because I feel like I just want to give up and not try anymore. I would try to quit but then I remembered that if my parents found out I would get in trouble so I continued to do it. I wouldn't quit on it,
After all, math was one of my best subjects. I had never really had an experience where I just couldn't understand the concept of a math problem, of how it was solved and why. Our teachers has warned us back in elementary school, that one day we would hit an invisible wall and not ease through classes. That one day we would struggle with understanding a problem, a concept or even a subject. I had never believed them, thinking this would never happen to me, that I could somehow avoid this wall of confusion and just walk right through. But there I was, utterly confused and frustrated at a simple problem that everyone else could solve. Why was I not seeing it? Why couldn't I understand the solution? I asked myself. For the first time in my life I really struggled to get an A in a class. I had my sister tutor me almost every day, preparing for a quiz and then the next, and the next. I came in to my teacher for lunch and he helped me step by step. I studied for tests, and worked hard. And my work payed off. I got a high A in the course, and a lot of experience from it. It taught me how to work hard for something, to earn a good grade when you deserve it, and it gave me the skills I needed to get As in the high school classes I am taking this
2. Describe the pattern of growth in the “Number of people told” column for both Scenario A and Scenario B.
Being the oldest of four children, it was always hard me to learn things fast. My parents weren’t able to help me with schoolwork because they both dropped out of school at a very young age. As I entered high school, I was terrified of all the hard classes I would be taking. Although I am not the best in every subject, a topic in which I have excelled in is Mathematics.
We shall be using The Pythagorean Identity Theorem 10.1 of the text, that states that cos^2 (x)+sin^2 (x)=1
For the past three years of my high school career, and now my fourth, I have made it an obligation to continually expand my horizons in regards to math; when I cannot fully grasp an idea or concept, rather than giving up, I relentlessly pursue the idea until it is understood. During freshman year, math did not come easily to me. I was forced to go in early some days because, simply, I did not comprehend the concepts. However, taking initiative with my school work, and constantly working through problems that were difficult can be deemed one of the best decisions I have made. Although my final grade may not have been an
More structured to more open because student that are gifted or have more of a understanding of word problem will be able to fill in their own matrix and provide their own suggestion in order to create a word problem. The student that need more support will work in groups to provide suggestion to the teacher, then teacher will guide the student on which components they are choosing in correspondence to the number they roll with the dice.