Middle school is full of good and bad memories. After being here for four years you develop all sorts of memories that you may not even want to remember. There is one memory from my eighth grade year that I will never forget. Being a water girl for the middle school football team was one of the most exciting extra curricular activities I did. Furthermore, it all started one day when we were watching a scrimmage and I said “It would be fun to be a water girl, then we can go to all the games!” My friend, at the time, decided that it was a good idea and we should do it together. So after their scrimmage we went and talked to the coaches, they were fine with it. I wasn't that easy, though. We then had to go on and talk to the
There are many more things I like about middle school, however the freedom you are allowed is one of my favorites. Independency is something I like to have and as an elementary school student you are mostly dependent on your main teacher. Being independent also goes along with changing your classes. At first I was scared about changing from seven different classes, but once I got used to it I was fine. For instance, in sixth grade I always lost my iPad and pencils in my classes because I wasn’t used to being so responsible and free. One of the biggest things about the freedom you get is different friends. Instead of being in a classroom with the same 25 people all day, you move and have different people in every single one. That allows you to make new friends and talk to new people who you maybe didn’t talk to in the
Middle school was a place where I was beginning to mature and see how to make it on my own. Also I got to meet new people. Try new things and just have fun. The best day I had in middle school was when me and my friend won the science fair project fair. We had came in second place. I was so happy and proud of what we
I started middle school at Bethany Middle school, I had my two older cousins going to school with me. One is the same grade I am and the other is two years older. It was nice having them but we all hung out with different crowds and sometimes we would not agree on the same things so we would not always get along. My first day of middle school was not as bad as i thought it would have been due to the fact that the Bethany middle school was not big at all. My 6th grade year was tough for me when it came to school work, i was used to the work from Central Elementary school and the Bethany Schools were much more strict and left a lot of homework so it was a big change for me. I remember my English class was the hardest along with science but I
There were plenty of memories in high school. Just making it to high school was a good memory. Most of them were during my freshman, sophomore, and junior years.
My most memorable memory to date was starting school. I was anxious, afraid, unprepared and excited altogether. I was dead silent throughout my whole first day. Equipped with little English I felt alone in my own island. I was not yet accustomed to the country after arriving a month prior, let alone school environment. I would sit down and listen to read alouds quiet not understanding what the teacher would be reading. I grew a drift between my classmates; I felt as if I was on my own. I struggled in reading, writing and even enjoying recess became difficult as I was on my own island. English being my third language after Somali and Nyanja was a huge challenge. As I was taught English at school, at home I would have to speak my native language
My 9th grade year was a memory to never forget. 9th grade, i was new to the school just like the rest of the freshmen's i came into the school with, we were not really focused on the education we were more so focused on having fun and seeing different and older people and just experiencing the life of a high schooler. As bad as that may sound it was the truth but that was the year i meant my home boys Block, Tick and Jalen, i knew block and tick for some years already but i meant jalen when i got to high school and instantly we became close like brothers.
Memories shape, influence, and transform us into one unique human being. Being significant in our past, we tend to go back and reference to the negative ones. However, rough memories hinder people in their effort to learn from the past and succeed in the present and near-future. I agree with Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot to a certain extent considering that we revert to them an excessive amount of time, not allowing us to grow as people and form new memories, nonetheless, keeping the important positive memories making us feel wanted and loved as people.
Middle school was a lot of fun for me, I met a lot of new people and lots of new girls. It was also kinda tough in the beginning with switching classes and things and having so many different teachers and lots of homework from different classes and having to remember the room numbers of each class but eventually I got used to everything.
Middle school was a rough time like it was for many because I still did not even know who I was yet. MIddle school was very difficult to adjust to at first because all my life I had only been in one class all day everyday with the same teacher and they made sure you always had a note to remind you of your homework for the night. Middle school was when I began to make my own choices and had to suffer the consequences that came with those choices. In middle school is when I found out how much I liked business because of a field trip my 6th grade year to Biztown which was a small fake “community” that everyone worked in and would be a citizen in the town.
As the United States slipped into the Great Depression in the early 1930s, President Hoover's most generous response was to lend government funds to__________________
One of my best memories of you was being our coach for soccer. I remember the first day of practice during my freshman year there weren’t that much people that attended. Even though the soccer practice didn’t last long for the first day it was fun. I remember that almost at the end of our first soccer practice you had a soccer ball and you try to kicked it into the goal but it hit me instead; which, make me
When two people are involved in an event together one may remember the event differently from the way the other person remembers it. New information may even cause one to recall a memory completely differently from how they originally recalled it. In this paper two people were interviewed about the event surrounding the birth of one of their children. Focus will be made on the differences and similarities of the recollection of memories. The accuracy of the memories stated in the interviews will also be examined.
The greatest time of being in middle school is doing all the activities they allow you to participate in school. Some activities involve leaving the school,like the cedar point park trip you take if you sell enough candy, scrapbooking with mrs. roose. The activity I liked the most was during school this activity is every year for eighth,ninth,and tenth period.
My earliest memories of writing began when I was around 8 years old at school. At first I thought it would be harder and boring but I ended up liking it. I did lots of paragraphs and compositions at the school, and I must say I had a great Spanish professor and she taught me and helped me a lot because she saw I had good ideas and I was really interested in learning how to write correctly. I also presented some of my writings in competitions at the school and I won some good rewards and great feedbacks because of my age. When I think about writing, Professor Sonia always comes to my mind, I have to thank her for all the support and teaching she gave me. Learning how to write
The teachers taught me well, while my peers taught me more about life. I made my best friends in middle school and we are a family now. I cherished the time I spent in middle school. I was a top student who was doing well, had many friends, and was making a name for myself in sports and extracurricular activities. Then once again graduation rolled around and I had to leave all of the good things behind. But I was ready to embark on an education that was more geared towards my future.