To: Mr. Perez
From: Ms. Laguardia
Subject: Proposal for bettering the functioning and discipline during Lunch at the Energized for STEM middle school.
Essentially, during lunch time, only two levels (6th and 7th) will be at the cafeteria from 12 to 1pm. The third level (8th) will pass to pick up their lunch and will return to the classroom from 12 to 1pm.
To guarantee that this rotation plan works, and improves discipline marginally, the following is needed from the students when they are in the cafeteria:
1. The teacher in charge of the groups needs to respect and follow the times of rotation. He/she shall maintain the students informed on the dynamic of the rotation. Also, the teacher should keep the rotation schedule available for the students to look over.
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Starting on the first week of school, grades 6th and 7th eat and remain in the cafeteria. 8th grade will take their lunch and return to the classroom.
On the second week of school, 8th and 6th grade eat and remain in the cafeteria. 7th grade will take their lunch and return to the classroom.
Two aspects contribute to the proper behavior of the students that are eating at the cafeteria:
1. A serious distribution of the tables is needed in the cafeteria. This is done with the purpose of keeping the different class groups from mixing with each other. In this way, the teachers will better detect and handle any potential misbehavior from a student. This new arrangement created with the tables will promote an environment of comradery and respect among the students from a grade level. Lunch time will be the perfect time for the aforementioned to occur.
2. The arrangement of the tables should also allow the students to enter through both sides (left and right) into the cafeteria. This would deter the need of having to walk over the tables.
a) The grade level that will have lunch at the classroom is to have access to the cafeteria before the other two grade levels come
Order- It starts in about the first couple of weeks of school- not the very beginning though. It ends
National Junior Honor Society has created a Cafeteria S.O.P to enforce upon students to help the cafeteria work properly. When the students abide by the Cafeteria S.O.P distribution of food, dismal of the student, and more will run more fluently. Without the Cafeteria S.O.P, the cafeteria will still run in an unstructured system causing an unhealthy environment for
Some of my fellow students at Conroe High School don’t eat lunch in the cafeteria. For instance,I eat lunch everyday in the agricultural shop all the way behind the rotunda at our school, and my fifth period is in the main building upstairs. Because of this, sometimes I have to leave lunch early and don’t get to finish it only to be able to make it back without getting a tardy. Another example would be, the kids that eat in the Music Hall of our school or even a science classroom, and we don’t know exactly when the teachers release from the cafeteria. They get a referral because they were tardy too
Right now, I believe that all the students of Labre have the equal and same amount of lunch times. Although having a longer lunchtime sounds good, but really it’s not. I believe, the lunch times with all grades (pre-k to High school) would get too tied together and too bunched up. The longer lines, kids running around,
At lunch we get to set by people we want to and if we do something kinda bad or didn't turn in something. we can get lunch detention that's where you set by you self.
The number 1 problem at pilot grove school district is not having longer lunch periods.This is a big problem because the lunch shifts now are too short and kids can’t eat enough to not go hungry throughout the day.Also, we students don't get the time to talk to our friends in class so lunch is the only time to talk to each other and it's very difficult to talk if your stuffing food in your mouth at the same time and watching the clock and get ready to go to our next class. I also hear about other schools around the country are having 45 minute lunch shifts or longer.Therefore, since those schools get to have that long to eat a talk, we should to we could
To begin, Students need positive social environments to grow healthy relationships between other students and staff. Not only does socializing play to common sense, but it has also been studied and proven by numerous institutions. For example, an article written for the Journal of Counseling and Development found that, “[S]tudents’ relationships and emotional connections to their teachers are highly associated with academic success” ( Bryan). Teamwork and critical thinking are spawn from interaction between those with whom we mingle on a daily basis, i.e. school mates and teachers. What better time to interact with others, than lunch time. Lunch time allows for a comfortable environment where children can interact with each
Calories, obesity, epidemic―these words flash through daily conversion like wildfire. The American public today is severely concerned with the nation’s growing health problem, as they should be. Recently, the nation’s school lunches have had major renovations due to the alarming increase in childhood obesity. The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) has set out to fix the problems concerning nutrition in school lunches. Because the National School Lunch Program is required to follow the most current version of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA), school lunches are undergoing massive reform at the cost of students.
This allows students to have a variety of different meals each day. Over the years there has been
Lunch is one of the most anticipated thirty minutes of most students day. They get to converse with their friends and finish neglected homework, but what the students look forward to is the food they get to eat. In special classes(Health, Nutrition) we learn about healthy eating and dieting; unless you pack your own lunch, we must suffer and endure the unhealthy and sometimes disgusting school lunches. Schools should improve the nutritional value in our foods for many reasons; mainly for the fact that childhood obesity is a rising problem in the U.S.
Over the past year, junior high students at Mckernan School have complained that they are required to eat lunch in the small gymnasium. Most of the junior high population does not agree with this policy. After looking at some of the reasons, it is in the best interest of the school’s staff for the junior high students to eat in a condensed area to lessen the amount of work the janitors and the supervisors have to do, to contain the social interaction, and to ensure the safety of all.
First, Changing the lunches for people to start hand making food for the students is very important because it could help the kids get into different habits. The different habits that could come out of changing the way the food is served would be that they might want to start eating more healthy food and keeping up the diet. There are many students that would rather have hand made
The bell rings, 4th period is over, and all the kids run out of the math wing to get to lunch as quick as they can.In their way, the big kids come possibly trampling every 6th grader, all this madness leads to anger, sadness, and most of all, hunger.This must end as soon as possible.If that does happen the rushing, the confusion and the bullying would be over.Which is why this problem has been stirred up in the first place.
I noticed that they have the same schedule as far as when lunch, recess, and circle times are. Other than lunch they also eat a snack. There is one provided for them, for instance animal crackers and a pudding cup or apple slices and a tbs. of peanut butter. They don’t all eat snack at once though, there are four available seats for snack and the students choose at what time they want to eat snack and have to be responsible and clean up their table when they are done.
Elementary school eats lunch at 11:30 am! Middle and high school eat lunch around 1:00 which I think is totally unfair. 1:00 pm is also pretty late in the day. Plus, tons of food is being wasted because students do not have tons of time to eat. Students are also rushing to finish and get out the door by the time the bell rings. After lunch, we only have two more classes until the school day is over at 3:00. On Wednesdays we go home after lunch which makes lunch on W at the very end of the day. Right now I wish I could eat a snack while I am writing this