Life is a beautiful struggle. It’s true, took me a while to believe this. I always thought it was me against the world and that good luck and happiness would never come to me. At thirteen years old me and my whole family moved to a different town, leaving all of my relatives and friends back in the town I grew to love and adore. Coming to a new town meant starting a new life for me. I wasn't ready for such a big change. Those disney channel movies I grew up watching, like Read it, and weep portrayed exactly what my experience in middle school was, confusing and depressing. Since I was the new girl the other kids seemed to take notice and I became very popular right away. Boys with girlfriends broke up with them to try talk to me. Middle school relationsips are so pointless. That's when the depression hit. All of sudden I was popular for one reason and one reason only, girls hated me. At school they would walk past me laugh, and call me mean names. I have never been highly …show more content…
They never defended me because they also were terrified and let alone didn't know what to do about the situation. However, them simply being there for me and made me actually want to go to school. When I finally had enough I told my mom and immediately got pissed off at not only me but the school. After that we moved to Lemoore, I made beautiful friends and was finally happy. I started attending bible study and church service three times a week which also really helped me. I also grew closer with my immediate family, and my little sister who is now my everything was born. I felt like a whole new person. I joined tennis and became sisters on and off the courts with those lovely ladies. Now here I am today, so full of light and love, ready to pursue my dreams of becoming a midwife, and having a family. Iḿ definitely ready to take on the world and see what God has in store for
After being dropped off from dance late at night, I was expecting to walk into a silent house where everyone was asleep. Instead, I walked into my living room to find the rest of my family sitting on the couch with the television off, which was strange for my family. It was clear they were waiting for me to get home, so I sat down too. My mom and dad exchanged a look and a sigh then turned back towards my brother and me. They babbled absently for a few minutes, then, my mom quickly spit out the words, as if ripping off a Band-Aid, "We are moving back to Arizona." There was a brief moment of stunned silence before I burst into tears. I could not imagine why my parents would decide to separate me from my best friends six months before we were supposed to
Middle school was a hard time for me, and like I said I wasn't the best at making friends. But then going to high school everything felt different. And then one day this song came on, it told the story of a lost boy, who was sad and alone, then he was taken to this beautiful place of fairytales. In this place, he found a home, and a family. He found a place that he felt he truly belonged, and then suddenly it I realized I was crying. The salty tears dripped down into my mouth as I wondered why? Then I realized, yes I have the most amazing family, but it doesn't mean that everything is perfect. At school I was always an outcast, until now. You see, that's why I was crying. Not because I was sad, but rather because I was so relived. Finally I found people that make me feel like I belong, I found an environment where my peers didn't frighten me, and where I knew I could thrive as a person. And I knew in the moment, I was no longer
Their response to my sister was school was too easy for her. I went as far as saying, “if it is so easy for her than why doesn’t she ace the class then?” My parents would respond with her lack of good grades was due to boredom. With this continued unfairness I couldn’t wait to get out from my parents umbrella. This is why I joined the United States Air Force.
Have you ever wondered what goes on in the minds of a typical middle school relationship? Well I'm here to tell you that it is actually, quite a lot. No two relationships are alike as some people might want to believe. One eighth grader says, "Whenever I'm with my boyfriend I'm just thinking; Why is he with me? There's so many other people he could have chosen." This statement might mean different things, could there be more to middle school relationships than most think? Or is she just trying to make it sound that way? There are somewhat stable relationships such as two friends of mine who've been "dating" since she was in sixth grade and he was in seventh. And for a less stable relationship, I give you “Hallway daters” as Mrs. Brewer has coined the term. These are the relationships where the two involved simply see each other at school and don’t actually go on dates. Perhaps you have seen them holding hands or maybe awkwardly hugging each other in the hallways at the end of the day.
All i could hear was the crowd of people chanting ’’Fight’’at my high school,and my friends just standing there in the distance watching me get beat up.I came home ready to go back to school to talk about the bully situation showing them my cuts and bruises to the principal for proof.When we were arriving home me and my dad had a little talk about moving to texas mostly for work reasons but the only problem is that my dad will not be there when i come home from school.After the discussion I had with my dad we all started packing up and my mom comes in my room and says ‘’are u ready to leave and go to texas’’ I slowly nod my head because i will miss my friends but i will not miss those bullies.As soon as we arrived i glanced at the school i
In middle school I met a girl who quickly became my best friend. After we met, we did nearly everything together. We were simply incepreable. We continued to be very close all the way up into junior year of high school. This is when she met and started dating one of the senior boys from our school. She had always had a thing for "bad boys" and this boy was a picture perfect representation of one. After she started seeing him more, I started seeing her less and less. The boy she was dating apparently disliked me; a lot. He began to take control of everything in her life. When she came to lunch everyday at school, she would sit with me and a group of my friends and tell us how he would hit
The experience that was worse than my experience in my high school was my experience in my neighborhood. I only had one friend in my neighborhood, her name is Hazel and she has had my back since we were 5. The girls in our neighborhood never liked me just because I was different. Most girls was raised by their mothers, I was raised and spoiled by my father. Along with that everyone went to our neighborhood school, while I went to private school. Most of them made fun of me because I talked different and acted "too white" so I fought then too. I dealt with all my problems with other girls and sometimes boys by fighting. Which drove many boys away from me and kept me from having female
I would have done things different if i knew my parents would have supported me. I was under the impression that they would be disappointment are worse. Once I told them what happened they explained to me that I could call them about anything, and if i ever got in trouble again to call them first. I was relieved from their statements i thought they were going to cut me off are treat me like an
My little sister Anita was born at the time and having a baby sibling around made me feel like a big kid or a parent. I loved holding her and feeding her with a bottle my mom taught me to do while she worked at a night shift (maturation). My fourth grade year is probably the time I went through the most out of my elementary school years. I found out things were getting hectic between my parents. I would see them fight almost every day about money, cheating, and where did they go in their free time. One night when my mom came home from grocery shopping they were verbally fighting and yelling at each other. I heard it from the living room and I went into the kitchen to see them. All of a sudden, I just saw my dad pushed her into the ground and started beating her. She eventually escaped from his grip and ran into my sister’s room. She called the police and they came and arrested him for assault. I couldn’t do much because I just stood there witnessing in shock. They divorced in October while it was the beginning of my fifth grade year. I started to go through depression since the whole thing happened. I grew bitter, unmotivated for school, and even crueler towards my family and animals. I had terrible grades in my report card and I tend to get embarrassed with my teacher yelling at me. I cried over the smallest things that would happen in class. People started giving me sympathy but then got tired of it because it happened often. Around the winter time my mom started to
Walking into school on my first day of high school, I felt out of place. My face covered in acne, my teeth covered in braces, and the callicks in my hair stuck up through the abnormally thick layer of hair gel that coated them. My middle school social anxiety still ruled over me as I could barely speak with any member of the opposite sex. Yet, I still had an odd confidence about me. I had always been one of the best students in my class, even without ever studying for a test. I viewed high school as a slight uptick from the curriculum I had easily passed in middle school. I was wrong. High school exists as a microcosm of society, in which I originally failed to acclimate myself to the challenges posed to me in a setting of increased
In my high school years I faced great hardship because of the abuse inflicted by mother. She moved me to different high schools throughout my high school career to isolate me from my peers and from teachers. My mother did not want me to have a relationship with anyone outside the family because she did not want me to divulge the abuse I experienced in the past and present to any of my teachers. My freshmen year I left Dalton high after only a few months and was moved to Southeast High School. Then my sophomore year she moved me to Northwest High School. I stayed at Northwest through Junior year of high school. The summer of Junior year my mom withdrew me from attending classes in person at Northwest Whitfield and she had me take classes online and dual enrolled at Dalton State College. Once again she isolated me from my peers and put me in a in a situation where I did not have a support group or any high school teachers around to seek help from. When I trend 18 years old my mother kicked me out of the house because she did not want me anymore.
Your parents are truly looking out for you, sorry to say your argument against them that you can handle these kinds of things is ill-fated. Adults have had
When I was a pre-teen, my parents were not getting along for various reasons and started arguing often, which ultimately led to their divorce in 2011. I felt a great deal of responsibility because I was an older brother, honor student, and participated in many athletic events or programs at Resaca Middle School. I became
Devastated, I ran to my room gushing my eyes out. All these emotions going through my head of how my life would be without my parents in the same room or even house. From what I remember it all started about mid-June, the weeks before that were crucial. My parents would always argue over how to deal with a situation between me and my brother, Skyler. They hardly spoke to one another, but when they did they would just start bickering. I remember, one night after dinner they both went into ''their'' room with the door locked yelling at one another. Skyler and I didn’t know what to do, so we went downstairs and tried to figure out what was going to happen. With a scared tone I asked if mom and dad were going to get a divorce?" He answered back '' No, they love each other, they wouldn’t do that to us." That following night, was a school night everything was quiet except for my crying. I couldn’t sleep; all I was thinking about how it's going to affect my family.