From the beginning of the semester until now, I believe I have made progress with the goals I considered for the midterm exam. Those goals were staying turned out, fully extending the working leg to the back, and carrying the working leg en l’ air at the same height. In addition to these three aspects, new challenges were discovered over the current ones. The new challenges have allowed myself to set new goals for the upcoming semester of Spring 2018. During the midterm conference, Dr. Sims provided me a few exercises I could work on outside of class to improve my turnout. The exercise I have really worked on is with a theraband. This exercise consists of tieing the theraband around the thigh area tight enough to allow resistance and begin to externally rotate the legs. This exercise targets turning out from the hips as I was turning out from the knee, which could be another cause of my knee pain.
Not only is working with a theraband working, but continuing to think about sending energy out from the tip of my hip of the working leg into my big toe. With this idea in my head, it allows me to fully lengthen the working leg and not let the knee drop or turn parallel to the floor. For example, while in arabesque or working to the back, I have had a bad habit of letting the working leg go into flexion. Not only in this area, but as well as rhon de jambes. In this particular exercise, I would bend the working leg as it passed through first position. Now that I have this image
Gentle active movement of the ankle, circulatory exercise of the foot and knee flexion/extension with straight leg raises (repeat 5-10 times for each exercise)
Intentionally publishing something that puts another in an unfavorable or untruthful light, though it is true
The main two ways that I believe that I have grown this year are athletically and academically. Both have helped me to better understand what I might want to do when I grow up. 8th grade just happened to be my very first year ever playing an organized sport. I also made starter for all but one game that season. On the academic side, my 8th grade year was one of my worst school years ever. 9th grade however, had me turning over a new leaf of academic excellence.
Keeping your heels on the floor and your back knee straight, shift your weight toward the wall. You should feel a gentle stretch in your back calf.
The client chose side lunges with resistance bands as the particular physical activity to avoid any limitations while performing the exercise. Due to an ACL injury the client suffered, she wanted to avoid exercises that would be strenuous on her knee during rehabilitation.
Flexibility can be defined as the capability of something to bend easily without breaking. The flexibility of a person is commonly measured during fitness tests, and the most frequently used test of a person’s flexibility is the sit-and-reach (Jackson and Baker, 1986). Though it is commonly accepted that the sit-and-reach produces an accurate and relative measure of a person’s flexibility, the validity of the test has been examined a number of times (Jackson and
What I learned in the documentary called “The First Year” is the aspects of each teacher’s way they deal a classroom with students as first-timers. Especially when coming across to many challenges and the struggle they had during their first time ever as educators. Watching what lengths they will go to for the benefit of the students is admirable. The teachers who are into five separate schools in the Los Angeles area are known to be George Acosta who teaches English as a second language, Joy Kraft-Watts teaches high school history, Genevieve Debose teaches middle school language arts and social studies, Maurice Rabb teaches kindergarten, Nate Monley teaches fifth-grade bilingual education, and Andrew Glass teaches elementary special education.
Throughout the English 111 class, my writing ability has grown to meet all of the course outcomes. In this class I was required to analyze fictional texts and make complex claims that matter in an academic contexts and revise them in order to make grammatical sense. For the 1.0 sequence I focused on Night, by Elie Wiesel and Sarah’s Key, written by Tatiana de Rosnay. Short papers 1.1 and 1.2, focused on each book respectively while major paper 1.3 allowed me to back my claim with both of the texts allowing for a larger exchange of ideas. Within the 2.0 sequence I focused mainly on the Poisonwood Bible, penned by Barbra Kingsolver. The short paper I have chosen to focus on for this sequence was 2.2; in which I had to write a letter to a character
This exercise will strengthen your back, thighs and pelvis in addition to increasing flexibility. To begin, sit on the floor with the soles of your feet pressed together and your knees bent. While keeping your back straight, use your elbows to push your thighs toward the floor. Hold this position for 10 to 15 seconds before releasing. Repeat five to 10 times.
This year, AP English 3 has been my favorite class because of the wide variety of topics that we covered and the essay writing skills that we learned. By providing a large educational basis to students' writing, this class expands the learner's ability to communicate in a profesional, educational manner, a skill with which they will use for the rest of their life. As well as scoring eights (on a nine-point scale) on several English papers, the skills that I have grown and nurtured throughout the semester have helped me score fives or sixes on my AP US History essays (on a six-point scale). Through learning how to go in-depth and synthesize a topic, AP English 3 has taught me how to consistently score high grades on AP essays, as well as communicate
Sequence: I prefer directions to explain exactly what is required to do. I organize what needs to be done first with anything from start to finish.
I started going to the gym and also using a Theraband to build up the muscles in my arms that I did not have. After going to the gym for only two weeks, I began to notice a huge difference. Not only in my inversions, but also in Chaturanga and downward dog. In class, in was very rewarding to hear from Professor Hapke how well she thought that I have been working on getting stronger in my arms. Working on my hip alignment was one of the major challenges that I faced in both Modern and Ballet last year. I worked extra hours outside of class to improve this and it is still something I am trying to work towards. I felt that I needed extra help after mid-term so that I could decrease the use of my hip flexors. As the end of the year approached, I realized that this is something that definitely has improved. I can tell in class that I am using my lower abs and pulling up in my center more than what I was before. Even though I can tell a difference now, I believe that this is something that I will keep working towards to help the alignment issue that is causing hip hiking. The one goal that I stuck with second semester was to come to class
At the start of this class I questioned how you could be taught business in a class setting. I truly felt that business is something that you gained knowledge through experience, on the job training, and company advancements. In the past few weeks of digging into our Intro to Business class (chapters 1-8), I feel that I actually have a better understanding of how and why things work the way they do in a business setting. I’ve had business employment experience; and I feel that I have had a few moments in the literature of this class that gave me a bit of a “aha” moment. Moments that I was able to link back to my experience and thought, now it all makes sense.
Initially, I had only a superficial understanding, solely thinking it had to do with comprehending the basics of movement and maybe the manipulation of that movement. Now, I understand there is a deeper science behind it all and I am eager learn more and explore that science. Since I’ve changed the outlook of my future, I have had more time to concentrate on my personal health as well as helping others. Using a combination of prior knowledge and knowledge I continue to attain in my current classes, my peers and I have been collaborating to develop personalized workouts and have been evaluating progress. I thoroughly enjoy seeing how concepts learned inside the classroom are applicable to a physical
As the semester started, I had set my mind that I was destined to achieve a lot. During the start of the semester, I had several difficulties writing English assignments especially in terms of grammar. During the first week of the semester, I sat down, organized my thoughts and comprehended that throughout the semester, I had to achieve all that I had planned for. As a student of English, I had planned that throughout the semester, I had to improve my skills as a scholar, writer and critical thinker. Now that the semester has ended, I can reflect all the semester activities to depict how my writing skills and critical thinking skills have drastically improved. This paper presents a reflection paper of how this