
Migration Argumentative Essay: Immigrants In Nicaragua

Decent Essays

Migration Argumentative Essay `”Immigrants are self selected achievers who come to another country to improve their economic status after five years”(Harms,William). Nicaraguan society is shaped through immigration and emigration for three reasons number one is that a lot of Nicaragua's problems have to face with their Economy and it is one of the biggest reasons people immigrate to countries that pay more. The second poorest country in 2015 is Nicaragua this is because of the government leadership and wars that Nicaragua has faced in their past.The impact facing society is not all people are able to support their families or themselves. Nicaragua is a beautiful place which relies heavily on tourists to visit the country but, “perhaps the main reason nicaragua tourism is on the rise is because of the variety of beautiful beaches along the Pacific coast of Nicaragua...featuring gentle waves that are perfect for a day of swimming and fishing”(Things to do in Nicaragua). Relying on the tourism is not covering up the fact that 42.5% of people in Nicaragua are living below the poverty line some living on less than a dollar per day and 75.8% living on less than two dollars.Part of the reason people move to a country that pays more is because one Nicaraguan Cordoba equals …show more content…

Based on Nicaragua's economy and government I consider it to be a country that is developing at a slow rate with much to offer at the moment Nicaragua is slowly becoming a more financially stable place for someone to maybe come and live in the next 30 years or so. If Nicaragua does manage to become a place where someone can live a perfect life all throughout the region than there is a future for Nicaragua. Until then Nicaragua should try to resolve their problems from the past in order to continue on moving

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