
Migration In Sub-Saharan Africa

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On the second page some of the smugglers use the migrants to cross the Mediterranean to Europe so that the fees don’t steep to about $5,000 ,many of the migrants are working under harsh conditions . Many migrants crossing the Mediterranean to Europe,many of them have drowned or either went missing. Migrants who are traveling alone or who are small children are more likely to get more of the abuse or the exploitation. People from Saharan Africa are the most vulnerable because of their skin color. Young migrant and refugee children have access to safe and legal migration pathways . The people who come from a specific country or region or if there age ranges between 14-24. There is a young boy who has a 75% of being exploited if he came to another region but if he went some where the skin tone is lighter than it would drop to 38% . …show more content…

There have been tensions between North America and Africa. There is not many oppurtunity to find work in Africa so many people are trying to get to Europe to find work. Young people are more liable than adults to lawlessness and violence .Many people who who journey across the Sub -Saharan Africa have to go through a treachourous trip through the desert or in cramped buses or trucks . Many people cannot find jobs,so women have to be prostitutes to earn money to journey across the sea,many people have either been beaten or shot by smugglers. Smugglers charge people money for their trip but they charge people with black skin more money,there are more difficulties for people who are black.When smugglers took black people captive they had to hide them in the back of their truck and cover them with plastic,they did not want to get caught . When people found jobs some were paid less because of their skin color or not paid at

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