
Miley Cyrus Rhetorical Devices

Decent Essays

Young, rich and tasteless

Tastes and preferences are of crucial importance in modern society, representing a mean through which different social strata interact positively or negatively on a daily basis. Although cultural products associated with a certain musical genre reflect, for the most part, similar values within the genre conventions, they come in different levels of quality - sound, lyrics and performance-wise. Personally, I see "bad" taste in music as related more to individual artists, bands and subgenres and the message\values they promote rather than musical genres in their entirety, since people's understanding of pop, rock, hip-hop, etc differ widely in time, place and context. For example, both Michael Jackson and Miley Cyrus …show more content…

The lyrics make 38 explicit references to them in a brainwashing manner and still, in order to be certain that the complexity of this message reaches the audience in the intended way, the music video zooms in 22 times in the interval of 5.17 minutes on the above mentioned sport shoe. A high-school's basketball hall creates the perfect setting to encourage customer consumption, along with the Chicago Bulls-inspired uniforms and references to Michael Jordan in the song's lyrics. The product is pushed in a manipulative way, playing on issues of appartenence to- or differentiation from "them" – the wealthy, hot, carefree, Nike-wearing youth – best illustrated in the verses "J's on my feet, so get like me" versus "If you a lame, that's a shame\You can't hang with us". In the light of the distinction theory, we can observe how this example clearly promotes a certain lifestyle associated with the middle-upper class and how the consumption of corresponding products, that reflect the wealth associated with this social strata, serves as a demarcation criteria in defining who belongs and who doesn't. Consequently, this demonstrates how efficient taste can be in reinforcing the boundaries between classes, and how the upper-middle class uses their (alleged) authority in matters of taste to set the standard of quality for the lower-class, …show more content…

Combining lyrics, sound and images, they construct this performance to reflect the cultural standard they identify themselves with (Macinois&Plummer, 2014). If observed from the uses and gratifications perspective, on the consumption side, the targeted audience responds positively, because they seek to meet diversion and personal identity needs, reinforcing their values by comparing their lifestyle to that of their idols and aiming to meet their standard as close as possible (Alexander,

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